The First and the Fourth

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Monika rubbed her eyes before continuing her homework. Normally, she would have finished it before the darkness of night set in, but she was occupied earlier.

She let out a small yawn. It wasn't too late in the night but a funny fact she noticed when working a little later than usual was how the body would "coincidentally" be tired in moments like this. If there wasn't work to be done, then she would be as awake as her cousin would be early in the morning.

"Remind me never to be around when you and Natsuki make cupcakes."

Monika looked up. Standing in her doorway was Claudette, sporting a white robe. It was fluffy and not a speck of dirt appeared to have graced it. The young woman rubbed an equally stainless white towel across her blonde hair as she walked over to her cousin's bed.

"You two just can't take a joke." She sighed as she plopped down on the soft mattress.

"It was kind of a stretch," a slight giggle slipped out of Monika as she recalled firing frosting at her with Natsuki.

"Hm..." Claudette swiftly pulled the towel from atop her head. She playfully cracked it like a whip before dropping it on her younger cousin's head. "So, when do I get to meet the others?"

Monika simply shrugged. She couldn't really give a definitive answer to that question.

"Okay..." A playful smile crossed her older cousin's face as she leaned closer. "Can the next one be the guy?"

"Claudette...!" Monika's cheeks briefly flashed red.

"Shujinkou, right? The only guy in your club. The only guy I hear you talk about so much," the older cousin's knowing smile grew even bigger. "Didn't you sneak over there yesterday when you were supposed to be shopping?"

"It was more of a spur of the moment decision," Monika weakly argued.

"And that refutes my point... How?"

Her younger cousin couldn't really find a way to answer. While true it was a spur of the moment decision she made to confide in a friend, she felt deep down that it was also fueled by a desire to see him.

Once again, Monika had met her match in Claudette, a fact the older of the two was well-aware of.


The bell announcing lunch rang loudly throughout the school. As usual, the students wasted no time in taking advantage of the break to spend time with friends or just to rest their minds.

After she walked for a bit, Monika was in front of the door that led to the clubroom the Literature Club was recently gifted with. She gently pushed the door open.


Monika's eyes lit up as they spotted a familiar purple haired maiden sitting against one of the surrounding walls. A small, singular book sat between her hands and an opened lunchbox lied to her right.

She appeared to be in a trance, but she soon looked up. She seemed confused at first, but that was quickly replaced by a small smile. "Hi, Monika."

The club president closed the door behind her as she walked into the room. As she approached Yuri, her mind once again briefly considered how to give the empty room an identity; something that would make it clear that it was theirs.

She was sure Shujinkou's 1st poster would help, but it would only be a start. After all, the others, including herself, still had their own contributions to add.

"What are you doing here, Yuri?" Monika asked as she sat down next to her.

"I was just looking for a quiet place to read," she replied. "What about you?"

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