Senpai's Kohai

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Another day of school has passed by...

"I feel really bad about vetoing the poster Shujinkou had to have worked hard on," Monika lamented as she walked down one of the school's many hallways.

"There's no need to worry," Sayori assured her, following the club president to their clubroom. "I'm pretty sure he was actually glad you drew the conversation away from it."

"Still, it does remind me of the issue with expanding the club further."

"Yeah. Advertising a literature club is hard enough on its own, but we also want to make sure that it doesn't become a club where the members are only there because they want to be in a club you created. Or as Natsuki said: 'A Monika Fan Club."

The bubbly club vice-president once again found herself pondering the dilemma they face.

"If only there was some way we could show the club is a super fun place," Sayori thought aloud.

Silence separated the two from of their conversation for a full minute.

"Monika...?" Sayori suddenly said.

"Yes?" Monika answered.

"Have you ever noticed that this conversation ends the same way every time?"

"Mm-hmm... A while back actually..."

Silence has once again separated the two from their conversation for an entire minute.

"Maybe we should ask Shujinkou about this," Sayori suggested. "He could have an idea since he didn't join the club for literary reasons."


"Fuyu?" the aforementioned young man curiously stuck his head into the office of the Student Council President. Looking around, he found Rei quietly sitting on one of the two couches. "Rei?"

Shujinkou awkwardly walked into the office. As he approached the silent girl, she turned around and slowly waved at him.

"Hey, Rei. Have you seen Fuyu anywhere?" he asked.

In response to his question, Rei quietly turned her head. Following her gaze, Shujinkou looked upon the desk of the Student President. He silently scratched his right cheek as he watched Fuyu lightly snore before him.

As he continued watching, he couldn't help but notice how innocent she looked compared to her "President Mode".

But he didn't have long to think about that any further as her phone's alarm suddenly sounded off.

"Eat my Four Swords, Ganon!" Fuyu yelled as she woke up.

"Which one?" Shujinkou smiled as he asked this.

"Huh?" Fuyu's cheeks grew bright red as she plopped back into her seat. "Minish Cap Four Swords against Wind Waker Ganon. Anyway, what brings you around here, Shujinkou?"

"I wanted to tell you that Mali said that she would stop pulling pranks. I tried to tell you over the past weekend but Rei showed me that you were pretty busy." He explained.

"Yeah..." as if to emphasize her point, a small yawn slipped through her lips. "But more importantly, do you believe her?"

"Well..." Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he recalled the moment Mali gave her word. He spent the entire weekend thinking about that one moment of her sporting a genuine smile instead of her usual fake innocent variants. "She did seem to mean it this time and she didn't pull any pranks today without any reason not to."

"I see," Fuyu adjusted her glasses as another yawned escaped through her lips. "Sorry for putting such a task on you. I would have done it myself but..."

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