Chapter five

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"You Ready?" Karee huffed beside me, fixing the book bag strap on her shoulder looking forward with a gleam of hope in her eyes. Ugh only she would be this... enthusiastic this morning.

"Nope, but that's not an option, is it because is so we can make a jail break, at best we could probably make it three hours before your parent would be notified of our 'disappearance' " I grinned, not hating the idea just to earn a scold from her in response.

"Fine, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be" Groaning, I picked up my slump body and just glared a slight bit at the awaiting book bag in my back seat, it sat there taunting in a way, My disdain was anything but a joke and yet here I was sitting in an over filled parking lot of uninhabited cars anyway—

A loud beep shrilled from within the school and that alone earned a mutter of curse from me, as karee picked up her bookbag pushing open the car door expectantly waiting for me to do the same, and in response a click of me teeth was given specially for her.

A moment of her scolding passed and, we then quickly grabbed everything we needed for this already vile day making our way very slowly tot he door of our new school, I'm a unnerving anxiousness, walking in more we were able to see that the school was fairly big in size with its outdoor patios which I presume we can use during our free periods and lunch.

Damn, this people must be rich, and if not I know they be draining the school board for funds to use on unnecessary shit.

Many cars seemed to be occupying the parking lot so we already know the school has a lot of kids.

Great more fucking people.

Karee and I then got of the car as we too in the making our way up to the school entrance.

We then walked across the parking lot near the school grounds the sounds of people
Talking filled the air.

Fucking it's freezing, there is no ducking reason it should like negative seven fucking degrees here.

The air was foggy yet the sun still tried to peak through the translucent cloud and I just huffed hugging my arm more around my body in hopes  to create warmth.

When we neared closer to the school I took the chance to observe everything.

From the amount of cars to the exits and the count of how many security guards the where here.

Also being sure to take not of security cameras.

Which weren't many at all.

From the few guards and camera we saw we could already tell this school lacked the proper amount of security and cameras.

Her Sinful Temptation | Book One Of Russo Series Where stories live. Discover now