Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I can't wait to kill these these assholes.

The mere thought alone making my lips curl into a smile but soon a longed sigh escapes my lips as I'm soon brought back to the reality of things.

Nikolai keeps saying too me,how when we get to Russia he's gonna 'show me how much he wants me' .

I wish he would dare touch I me,I would cut his finger off and gauge his eyes out.

Flash back:

"You'll make a good house wife" Nikolai implied smirking at me as his breathe wafted the air hitting my nose.

Fucking hell, his breath smells like he lived through the Adam and Eve era. Hell maybe even the Jurassic times.

Making me then hold back a gag as his breath smelt like damn it mold. Big ole nasty ass.

"When we get to Russia I'll show you just what you've been missing out on"he said as his finger trailed down my body making me take a sharp breath in to stop myself from breaking this fingers.

"Especially since when have kids we'll be so rich our mafia will be the biggest our name will be know in every country"he said bragging as if that was really what was going to happen.

To his words my mouths just hung slack at a loss for words to even argue nor even challenge him back.

My shoulder slouched and i dryly huffed in annoyance taking a seat on the rusty bed I was given.

He then walked out as i beards a click follow meaning he kicked the door trapping me inside to when ever he felt like torturing me with his Presence again.

Until then my thoughts just continued to haunt my imprisoned mind further into a despair.


My heart pounded anxiously within my chest with hidden anticipation of what awaited me.

My breath hitched as it shortened yet it managed still remain fast. Anxiety builded in me and my blood ran cold with a sensible anger that began to bubble out of me.

I believed my family was looking for me but how would they even find us. It was true Nikolai was a dirty fucking snake.  He used dirt to get peopel to do what he wanted, not even out of respect but fear to his ruthlessness.

Let us not het it confused.

I know I am not the kindest of people,I Wanna t raised to be, but Nikolai takes ruthless to disgustingly higher level. 

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