Chapter Nine

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Karee and I walk finish up our goodbye we head towards my car hastily—

Message after message my phone buzzed crazily making me groan as I reached back, into my back pocket retrieving my buzzing phone, my eyes noticeably widening as I looked over the bunch of received text from my mom saying we need to be home as soon as possible.

Apparently,we are going to be with the Italian mafia for a meeting discussing an up comming job which me and Karee will need to be apart of.

My brothers couldn't make it back in time for the meeting so this would just be one we had without them,though I don't think they cared to much too mee this people.

Leaving me to wonder who are these people and why do they need the help of teenagers if they're the one of biggest mafia.

Shouldn't they have the resources they need so why do the need us?

Leaving me to ponder on the question as I drive out the school parking lot.

When pulling up to the house I see my mom and dad car along with my uncle Shawn and aunt cho who are Karee's parents. I saw them quite a bit but then again Karee is always over here or with me and my family being she's the only child.

As we were walking in we instantly got hit with the scent of baked goods seeing our mom's cooking desserts for what I guess is the dinner meeting we're about to attend.

"Ma, hello?! we're home!" I announced loudly, taking off my coat and hanging it on the coat rack.

"Hi girls, hurry up stairs, your dresses and jewelers for this evening have been laid out for you to wear, please do hurry we'd hate to run behind schedule" my mom rushed out, urging us upstairs.

We both nodded our heads, splitting up and dividing into our corridors grabbing our bags with our dresses inside hopping in the shower.

I made my way into my white and pink marble bathroom I slipped of my dirty closed and placed them inside my dirty close hamper.

Which reminded that I also needed to do laundry I know that we have people o do that for us but I don't really like other people doing that stuff for me when I completely capable of doing it on my own.

I hurried my ass I to the shower remembering we had somewhere to be and I quickly got to washing my body. Theses are not the type of people you wouldn't want to anger I've hear a lot about them and they definitely weren't people to be played with.

Her Sinful Temptation | Book One Of Russo Series Where stories live. Discover now