Chapter Eight

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Time had passed, and now here we were,

It's been almost three weeks since we've met the girl and to say the least they are pretty different from the other girls here.

Three total fucking weeks. —And to say the least, they aren't as totally horrid as I once believed they would be. So good for them and even better for me.

They aren't annoying plus they seem to actually care about school which was a bit of a surprise.

As I get to learn about the menace to my brain, the curly headed, and very snarky remarked girl who sat beside me in math class, the more the more I become fascinated with the short girl.

Though, I'd never tell her this, she was pleasant company, and her scowl was becoming one I looked forward to seeing once I walked through the door of hell, otherwise known as our school,

Her mouth was slick and she was surely a smart ass but know the less it's attracted me too her.

The way her voice and her personality differed from others she was surely soemone you would be drawn to as the more you hung out with her the more you wanted to be around her.

Her smile vexing and her scent was enticing, drawing me closer with each passing day, hell each passing second.

It was utterly frustrating the hold the she had already on me and the way each word that slipped past her lips had me at the edge of my seat awaiting to hear more.

The bell had rung a few moments ago letting us know that school was now over and it was time to go home.

Looking over my shoulder to see the famous head of curls that i'd grown quite fond of, moving freely in the wind, as she huffed trying to remove them from her eyes, blocking her view.

Karee beside her, with her mouth just moving a hundred miles per hour as she spoke to Elainna who just stood there glaring her honey eyes at nothing in particular.

Once the girls got done doing whatever the hell they were doing, karee stop there letting her eyes longer on the moving kids from the school door, all the way out to the parking lot before her gaze dropped to us— or more so giovanni.

And at that Elianna smirked pulling her over to us making karee start to mumble in a panic before they were in front of us, "Hi" karee squeaked out nervously, and Elianna rolled her eyes but still had a small smile on her glossy covered lips.

Her beautiful smile, I wonder what flavor lip gloss it was, I bet it was something sweet, like coconut or even vanilla. Mhm.... Oh fuck.

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