Chapter Twenty

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"Fuck I'm ready to go" I mumbled as I fetched for my keys digging into my pocket to retrieve them.

Quickly hopping into the car, basking in the warmth of its heat and not the drafting wind of outside harsh breeze. Starting up the engine listening to its roar of pour as it came to life.

Pulling out of the not so crowded parking lot, finally leaving the hell of our school finall exhaling a much need breath, already feeling my tense muscles beginning to relax the father way we got.

The car ride there was quiet but not uncomfortable.

While on the way back to Leo's house I can help but look back to see if the boys are behind us.

I get kinda of confused as to why I haven't seen them behind us yet.

But not trying to worry myself as they did say they needed to handle some things back at the docks.

Pulling up to Leonardo house I don't know why but something seems off.

Slowly getting of the car I held my gun int he waistband of my pants slowly moving towards the door as karee did the same.

I made my way over to the front of the house where the security usually patrols the house and no one was there.

Fucking hell.

What had caught my eyes as the drop of blood that covered the ground in puddles making me whip out my gun instantly.

Looking into the booth I saw the two lumps body of our security guards making me groan lowly.

Great, more fucking blood.

I dropped down turning them over to check for any sign of a pulse only to see they both had multiple stabs wounds and no sign of life. Whoever did this gutted them like fucking fish menaing they weren't an amateur killer only making my sense heighten at that.

Now we have to deal with more shit. Great.

The person didn't even have the audacity to be subtle about this either their blood was still bright red which means it hasn't been long so they person could still possibly be here.

Walking the door to see it was already slight cracked open leaving me to open the door.

Pushing it open the sound of the hinges creaking echoed loudly Into the dark house.

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