Chapter Fourteen

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Stupid fucking wind!

God, I truly hated it, shit was gonna push this damn wig back, I'm just lucky, that I super glued this shit down or else they would have been seeing these raggedy ass cornrows underneath this fucking bald cap.

And would I give a damn? Hell fucking no.

I groaned taking a sharp wiping the hair from my eyes mentally cursing the mind glaring behind before tuning back tot he front of myself.

As Karee and I made our way inside the school, we see gio already looking at us with his usual stupid grin.

Of fucking course he got here before us, I wonder who for. Karee...cough cough.

We then make our way in his direction when he lets out a an ear piercing greeting that almost sounds as a sequel as he said  "Hi Girls!" Excitedly waving his arms around bringing attention on to not only himself but us as well.

He's is such a softie to be an cold assassin, but I wouldn't tell him that, he would have a fit with me for saying such a thing, And by fit I really just mean he would pout and pester at me until I took it back.

Karee and I just stopped and busted out laughing from his sudden outburst and his now found energy.

How is it only the morning and he's already acting likes he's drunken four Red Bull's I wish I could get like him I'm still trying to get my brain to function at it's full capacity.

Don't say anything and before you try to judge me I'm just not a morning person.

Nonetheless we return the greeting with thesame energy of bubbly energy saying "Hi Gio!" As he gives us his warmest smile which makes me inwardly say awe for as long as we have known him,he always as been this soft goofy person towards us.

I watch as his eyes meet Karee and I swear I almost sequel for the last threeweeks I've been getting a feeling they like each other.

I notice how they take 'subtle' glances at eachother in class and how when every they are around each other their smiles get bigger.

The keyword being subtle but the way they look at eachother was anything but that making me sit back and laugh at their obviousness.

They would honestly be so cute and I know Giovanni wouldn't hurt her. That would just be bad for him.

As we have been getting to know him he has never disrespected a woman which I was surprised but he just said 'Only little boys who having nothing better to do,disrespect and belittle women'.

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