Chapter Fourty-Nine

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Pulling up to the Warehouse we all put in our ear pieces so we can hear our back up team if they see anything suspicious going in when we're inside.

Once the van came to a simpler stop, we made that it was hidden in the back we grabbed all our guns and the other shït we packed and got ready.

We exited the car and did a quick surrounding forest the building making sure the area was still vacant or at least taking slow movements around just to keep our presence unknown to anyone who could possibly be within hearing distance of us.

The air of the night was filled with nothing, not even a murmur just the sound of the wind, it shook me anxious by how deserted it felt.

I took a breathe of the ominous wind, feeling it fill my lungs and I just chuckled off to myself.

My body numb, face flushed but filled with anger.

And my heart bursting with the craving to kill, the smell of blood, the rush of exhilaration I felt.

Loading up my gun, cocking  it twice with Gianna and karee on my right and left closely behind checking surrounding as I did the same, beginning to depart cautiously make our way to the door.

The busted down dark red and rusted door, it was peeling and looked more like the doors from scary movies but, in this case our scary movie was our everyday life.

The sound of a faint door closing had my heart bang inside my chest as I quickly turned around pointing my gun to where the sound came from, only to see a guard in all black clothing adjusting his bullet proof vest.

"Scusa, non ti ho spaventato, signorina" he apologized in a hushed voice and I just nodded lowering my gun from him.

(Excuse me, I didn't mean to scare you, Miss)

"Va bene, hai visto qualche nuovo segno di qualcuno vicino?" I asked and he hurriedly answered with a strong shake of his head no, before he continued on,

(It's Alright, did you see signs of someone being nearby)

"No, nessuno era qui da qualche giorno, direi qualche giorno, abbiamo trovato alcune impronte lungo il terreno pacciamato ma non erano fresche" He explained and I just looked out once more, before getting giving him a light hearted smile of appreciation, "Grazie" I thanked, trying my best to not butcher the pronunciation too badly and he gave a small smile back before giving me a chest nod dismissing himself being that was all I wanted to know.

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