Chapter Twenty-Nine

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We have a week and a half left before we're supposed to go through with the wedding and these last couple of days have been 'wedding preparations' I really don't give a shit about the wedding being as I'm not marrying this asshole.

They and I repeat They as in the two idiots decide to have us just get married here and then we we got to Russia we could have the wedding if ur dreams.

Nikolai has been up my ass and around the corner and when I tell you I almost killed him right then and there.

I was hungry so I asked for food and best believe the fucker got me what I wanted as he fucking should or my foot would have been up his ass and talking to his anus.

He's been like an annoying little fly buzzing in my ear never leaving me alone in my own thoughts.

I know when you think of being kidnapped you think of being tied down and starved but Nikolai and Ivan  trust us as 'we will never leave them' and 'we love them so much'.

Which was a huge ass lie,

Anyways...I came up with a plan there is this room in the place we are staying at til the wedding where it has all this information and cameras and receivers and everything precious where information is held.

I was thinking Karee and I could butter Nikolai and Ivan up even more and get them to show us the control room and act as if we are really interested in it and when they least expects it Well make our love to notify the guys of our location but then we would have to quickly the eveidence by coding making it almost impossible to see the fact we shared the location.

Of course the were stupid to actually believe we wanted to marry them.

I just hope that our family sees it in time but knowing the type of tech people they have in their mafia makes me sure that they will and hopefully they begin to strategize their own plan.

I talked with karee yesterday and I can tell this is starting to get to her she came to me stressed and crying talking about how she hope the plan works out well so we don't have to marry them and have their kids.

After those words left his deviled tongues that I wished so badly in that very instant I could cut off.

Watching as he choked in his blood with my face being the last he'd see.

Loving the image as I made my heart swell
In joy as a smirk pulled at my lips.

Karee has been stressing about how we would get a message to them to be able to get back to those we love a question I'm which I've been trying to solve myself.

I told her I felt the same.

Not that I love Leonardo because I definitely don't love him romantically,I'm just saying I miss his....presence that in which I told karee as she just watched me ramble on with a smile.

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