A Thank You For Everything

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Hi, my beautiful readers! If you're reading this, you my friend,  have indeed made it to the end, and yes, that means you will receive yet another heart warming speech of thanks coming your way—

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Hi, my beautiful readers! If you're reading this, you my friend,  have indeed made it to the end, and yes, that means you will receive yet another heart warming speech of thanks coming your way—

Again, I would just like to say thank you so much for everything, that's happen throughout this entire books journey. And to everyone who has read Her Sinful Temptation. This so far has been the most mixed experience I have ever had and I am so grateful for you all.

My heart has been over joyed with the amount of love and attention my book has been receiving and I just love you all so much.

I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact, it only been four months since I first thought about writng this book and three since I've finished it. Even though I edit 'Her Sinful Temptation' close to everyday I still find It crazy that people actually find and read my book.

This experience overall has been a crazy mix of emotions and I'm still trying to adapt to it all.

This Final Author's Note/ Final message did really just to fill you in and talk to you about my plan and my thought.

So, congratulations to I you for making it to the end, I really do appreciate it.

I know many of you have had questions and have messaged me about The Russo Series and what it entailed but to be 100% honest I couldn't really give you an exact answer at least not right now, I'm coming up with more ideas and plot as my career and the first book progresses so please be patient with me.

I'm trying my best.

School has been stressing me all the way out so I can only really edit this book and others when I have free time or enough time to do so, which is usually a very slim and tigh schedule as of right now,

I do hope to keep on track with my publishing schedule but as I have said things change and plans change so late it may be Late May- Early June that I will be doing a book name, and title reveal as well as character aesthetics.

I hope you all can respect how I have decide to end the book and I know this maybe wasn't how you guys would have expected it to end but it's how I envisioned the ending so if you don't like it, too bad.

I have feel in love with my y all separately as well as together and they have all grown to have a special place in my heart, Elianna and Leonardo's love had been one I imagined Sidney he day I joined wattpad and being able to bring their story to life really made me happy.

Elianna was a character I often felt and caught myself inputting a lot of my own personality into, this book though has caused me to damn near lose my mind I would be lying if I said it wasn't worth it.

To those who have left not so kinds comment on my profile about my writing, READ THE DAMN AUTHORS NOTE,

Truly, I'm tired of seeing hate on my writng and my characters.

Her Sinful Temptation | Book One Of Russo Series Where stories live. Discover now