Chapter Twenty-One

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Fuck me, my arms are so fucking sore—

Giovanni and I finish cleaing up making sure we got everything we need clearing out the area—we make our way inside the truck.

Being sure to do a once over once more making sure their as no eye witness before starting the car.

On our way back to house so we can get our answer and get rid of these fucking traitors.

I honestly can't believe Liam would set us up but the closest to you can be the ones fuck you over the most.

My family made sure him and his son were okay after what happened to Liam's late girlfriend,Which was his son's mother as she got killed for being at the right place at the wrong time during a shootout .

We treated him like fucking family and this is what he did.

Fucking traitor but I have soemthing for his ass when we get tot he house.

The thought of his scream making me badly want to crack a smile a he begged and pleaded desperately for his now worthless life.

As we arrive at the house we saw my car parked in the front letting us know the girls got in to the house possibly waiting for us.

We usually took the back of the house because it lead us straight towards the basement to the torture room but I had this feeling to go through the front of the house.

Soon as pulled up to the front I saw blood on the ground making me and Giovanni draw our gun as we carefully go out of the car.

We followed the trail of blood to front of the house seeing two bodies were pulled up on top of one another.

For fucks sake. They both were stabbed to death and by the look of their blood they died a while ago.

I identified them both as our house security and checked for a pulse but there wasn't one.

My mind instantly ran rampant at the the fact someone got within the houses gates and I remembered the girls we were.

I slowly walked up to the door circling with my gun towards the house to see the front door slightly open making me curse underneath my breathe at the sight before me.

I slowly opened the already cracked door and cake to be with only see shards of glass everywhere all over the ground in the kitchen and living room blood trialed in a chaotic pattern leaving multiple a little puddle of blood.

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