Chapter Twenty-Six

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It's been a week and I am ready to get the fuck away from Nikolai and his sick little group of ass kissers.

A fucking weeks of pure hell and torture.

I swear they're a bunch of bitches in the bodies of grown men.

Everytime Nikolai tells them to do something they run around lik vchickens with no heads but I guess that's better for karee and I.

We been coming up with a escape plan or at least a plan where we could somehow message the guys letting them know where we are but they would also need to be able to get around security.

Nikolai may be an ass but I gotta say he is pretty smart when it comes to having security and having control over who and what goes in and out of here.

Why did this have to be the one time he decide to use those shriveled uo brain cells of his?

Nikolai still hasn't let up on the baby talk.

The thought of even daring his devil spawn had me nauseous.

Thinking back to all the time he said it with a smirk gracing his face.

I don't even think you could call it 'A talk' being as he just says 'I'm getting you pregnant as soon as we are married so don't and try to fucking talk your way out it' like the conversation wasn't even up for discussion.

I bet he has a bunch of other thirsty women begging for the opportunity.

I will never want him.

I've been wanting to kill him for ages but my parents said it would have been a wise choice being his record they said I needed to have patience.

But look where having patience has gotten me so far.

I've been counting the days since I've beeen in this terrible imprisonment and each day my urge to kill everyone here grow outs of anger and spite.

I have been thinking about Leonardo everyday,about how much I miss his touch.

The feel of his hands on my body.

The way his scent just makes me feel so at home whenever he's near or the way he call me his Mio amore and they way he calls babygirl can make me melt on spot.

Even how his very presence alone can my panties turn into a kiddy pool but let's not get into that right now.

Before I need to take a cold shower from thinking about Him.

God,I want him back. I need him back.

I just miss him which makes sound just as crazy as Nikolai but I couldn't even bring myself to care.

I hope he's not doing anything stupid right now knowing him.

These past few days have been literal hell without him.

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