Chapter Thirty-Six

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As the morning sun shines brightly illuminating the room.

I felt my body still flow in waves of pleasure a the remembrance of last night.

I wake up to see me and Leonardo cuddled up as his arms that are wrapped securely around my body.

The warmth of his hands supporting the width of my waist, while he had his head buried intot he crane of my neck, his light inhales and exhales tickling the naked skin softly—

and I just smiled, I actually fucking smiled, and not a ghost smile or a turn of my lip a full blown toothy smile of— happiness.

As I took in his beautifully bare body showing his toned torso leaving my mouth to water at the sight and how his dark curly hair covered his eyes.

He was truly beautiful.

I sat there for a second just tracing his tattoos in silence before I had the strong urge to pee.

When I try to get up Leonardo's grip on my waist tighten.

"Amore, stop moving so much and go back to sleep"Leonardo spoke up with his words still groggily as his eyes were still closed shut.

His voice raspy and deep yet still demanding—making me horny all over again as I reminisce everything we did last night. Fuck.

I can't even really feel my legs now that I think about it but I'm not mad about it either.

"Leonardo, I need to use the bathroom"I said whining to Leonardo as he finally loosened his grip on my body before taking my hand in his.

"Fine, don't take long— I want my cuddle buddy back"he says finally opening his eye a bit, looking at me intently giving me an endearing smile.

Making my heart race as I let go of his hands—running to the bathroom Remembering I still have to pee.

I got up of the bed and immediately had to grab on to the nearest thing by me to stop myself from falling .

Fuck,I really can't feel my legs but it was worth it nonetheless.I slowly made my way to the bathroom wincing lowly at the soreness I started to feel.

After I use the bathroom,I made my way over to the sink to wash my hands and brush my teeth I get a chance to look at all the marks along my breast,my torso,neck and thighs that were red and purple making them even more noticeable.

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