chapter 17

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Innocent Heart part 17

Aashi was crying sitting on the floor. she was lost in her own thoughts.

Her chain of thoughts was broken by the sound of the door opening, she tilted up her head and looked at the door. Seeing Vishant standing there, she got very scared and she hugged her knees more tightly to her chest and buried her face in her knees.

He started taking steps towards her without any expression but his eyes were showing dark and evil which indicting a danger. She lightly opened her eyes and looked at his direction when she heard his approaching footsteps. Seeing him coming close to her, she quickly stood up in panic and started looking around to find an escape from this cruel monster.

She saw the bathroom door and run towards the door to save herself from him but he was so fast and came and stood in front of her. his aura was screaming danger she felt it.

Seeing him in front, she started trembling with fear and started taking her steps back. he also started taking his steps towards her.

She stopped when her back hit the wall, now she had no place to step back. Fear was clearly visible from her face, sweats started forming from her head while AC was running in the room.

Seeing her panicking face, a cruel smirk formed on his face. he was liking this terror and fear in her eyes.

He placed his both hands on her bare waist and pulled her closer to him and said to her in chilly and husky tone "Welcome in my life and in my room Mrs Aashi Vishant Raisingh Khurana"

She was completely shocked by his touch. His touch was burning her skin. More tears began to fall from her eyes. She tried her hard to free herself from him but none of her efforts succeed in front of him. The more she tried to free herself from him, the more he pulled her closer to him.

"Why are you trying when you know that all your efforts are useless in front of me and one more thing that get to use to of my touch like this, now I am your husband. I will definitely do more than touching." He said to her in husky and determined tone while pulling her closer to him.

she understood from his talk that now he was not going to leave her but still she wanted to give a try to her luck. She asked him cryingly "P.....please l...leave me...... W...why are you doing all this? W....what do you want from me???"

he got angry when she asked why he was doing this and what he wanted. He felt strong rage in him inside as he got some flashes of his terrible past.

He tightened his grip on her waist, causing her to pain.

She did not dare to say anything after seeing his angry and dangerous face which was only showing fury. she just quietly started to bear the pain given by Vishant.

He shouted on her angrily while fixing his hated gaze on her "That is what you and your bastard fucking asshole father deserve. Why can't you endure my touch but you don't have any problem with Kabir and Nikhil touching you, then why is there a problem with my touch??? I am legally your fucking husband so I have full rights over you and your body."

His every word stinged her heart like thorns but she got very angry listening to his insulting for her head.

She could endure anything but she could not endure his insulting for her father.

She yelled him looking at his face angrily with same intensity "How dare you talk so cheaply about my father and about my character. I have no such connection with anyone else. I have never had any relationship with anyone that has embarrassed me and my family. One more thing you forcibly married me but getting married doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to me."

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