Chapter 29

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Innocent Heart Part 29

Shan Mansion

Karan, Aashi and Vishant had their dinner quietly. Nobody uttered a single word.

Karan tried to talk to Vishant but he silenced him saying that it was good if husband and wife could sort out some things among themselves, there was no need for any third person to speak between them.

Karan saw his cold and nonresponsive attitude and understood that it would be useless to explain anything to him right now so he did not say anything to him because he knew that there was no use to get involved in any useless argument with him. This will only lead to another fight between him and Vishant, which was not good at all for now.

Karan was worried about Aashi but still he was unable to talk to Vishant about her.

She kept her head down all the time during dinner but she stole some glances of Vishant secretly to know how his mood was now but she was unable to decipher anything by looking at his cold and emotionless face because there was no sign of any kind of emotion on his face. There was no expression seeing him it was really very difficult to decipher what was going on inside his devil and cunning mind???

After sometime everyone went to their respective rooms after having dinner but she did not go to their room because she did not have courage to face her devil husband. He will scold, shout and punish her without mercy.

She knew very well that she could not escape him but she still tried to steal some time and thought of helping Shanti in the kitchen.

She went to the kitchen and started helping Shanti, shanti told her to go and rest but she did not listen to her and started helping her.

Just then Hira came and told Aashi that Vishant was calling her to their room.

She was in a panic mode because of fear. Her body started trembling with fear, sweats formed on forehead and her heart started beating rapidly thinking that what will he do with her in his all-time ready anger???

She nodded her head at Hira and left the kitchen to face his wrath.

She started walking towards their room with her slow steps in fear and stopped outside the door of their room.

Aashi tried to gather her little courage and said to herself while inhaling and exhaling "nothing will happen".

She put her hand on her chest and rubbed it to soothe her rapid heartbeat.

She held the handles of double door of their room with her trembling hand and pushed them lightly inside to open.

She came inside inside the room lowering her head like a little kid. She softly closed the door behind her and raise her head little to check where he was??

Her breathe hitched in her throat when she saw him sitting on the bed looking at her with his piercing eyes and dark and intimidated aura around surrounded him.

He was looking at the direction of door as if he was waiting for her to come.

Aashi lowered her eyes in fear on seeing his hard face and intensity of his eyes and started repeating only one thing in her mind that "Aashi everything is all right...... there is no need to be afraid."

he was looking at her intensely, he was fuming out of anger with the fact that how did she even think of going away from him?? Here he was trying to forget everything and gave this relationship a chance and she wanted to go away from him.

He knew that in early days of their marriage he behaved with her like an animal but when now he was trying to be civil with her then why was she doing this??

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