Chapter 23

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Innocent Heart part 23

Shaan mention

Dining Room

Karan was sitting on his chair and having his breakfast as He saw Aashi coming with gloomy face.

Seeing her face, he understood that Vishant must have done something again with this poor soul.

"Now what did Vishant do with her. When will he understand that he is doing wrong to this innocent girl" he thought as he curled his hand in fist angrily. He didn't like vishant's behaviour to Aashi.

"Good morning" she greeted him in low voice.

"Good morning, Aashi. Have seat" he greeted her back controlling his anger and giving sweet smile.

She was about to sat down on the chair when his eyes fell on her bruised waist accidently where the finger marks of Vishant were clearly visible.

he averted his eyes off because it was wrong for him to see any girl like this but red marks on her waist were shouting an untold but still well-known story, vishant's torture story.

He looked at her and asked her "Aashi, Can I say something to you???"

"Yes" she said to him innocently looking at him while serving herself breakfast.

"You're like my little sister to me if you ever need any help, you can tell me. I will be there for you and I know your reason behind this marriage so don't hesitate to ask me for anything. if you want to break this marriage, I'm with you. I will help you." His voice sounded genuine. His words were holding truthfulness and his eyes were soft.

she looked at him innocently and whispered in low and doubtful voice while looking at him with innocence filled eyes "He is your brother, why would you help me?"

"Yes, he is my brother but what he is doing to you is very wrong." He said disappointingly while shaking his head.

On hearing this, tears started rolling from her eyes. She put both her hands on her mouth and started weeping like a child. he felt very bad seeing her in this condition without any fault.

"Please tell me why he hates me and my family so much????? What had my father done wring to him because of which he is doing all this? Please you said that I am like a sister to you so please tell me the truth??"

Saying this, she burst out in more tears.

He got panicked seeing her and couldn't stop his brotherly instinct for her.

He got up from his chair and came to her side and sat beside her puling chair for himself.

He wiped her tears tenderly and shook his head left and right indicting her to stop crying.

"Stop crying. I don't like tears in my sister's eyes" he spoke to her like an adult talk to a small child while cupping her face in his large hands.

"Tell me please....." she said looking at him hopefully.

"Aashi...." He stopped in mid as his eyes felt on his brother who was coming here but busy on his phone

"We'll talk about it later and You stop crying, Vishant is coming here" she nodded her head like a scared and obedient kid. He knew that if they will continue then it will be not good for her. he could fight to his brother but she couldn't so it was good thing for her to avoid for now. he had no fear for himself from Vishant, but for her, he became silent and started having his breakfast.

she also wiped her tears and bowed her head and started having breakfast with distaste.

He came and sat on his chair while gazing her. he was happy with that she changed herself in saree.

Innocent HeartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant