Chapter 38

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Innocent Heart Part 38

A few days later

Aashi's exams also got over in these few days. Everything seemed to be going well between Aashi and Vishant but she sensed some change in Karan and Vishant's behaviour. They both had been behaving strangely since the day Vishant came home early. She tried to ask Karan and Vishant several times but both of them avoid it by doing one thing or the other. They both did not tell her anything.

She was curious to know about this but one day when she tried to ask Karan and Vishant again about this, Vishant gave her a hard glare seeing which she understood that if she did not leave this matter then it will not be good for her so she never brought it up after that for her own sake.

she also talked to Karan about Mahi but he avoided it to Aashi saying that he wanted to give some time to Mahi as a friend. She found this very strange because a few days ago he was ready to do anything to make Mahi feel his love but now whenever she tried to talk to him about Mahi, he avoided this. She also talked to Mahi but whenever she tried to talk to her about Karan, Mahi silenced her by saying that she had no interest in knowing about him. From their behaviours, she got that something must have happened because of which they were behaving like this but she thought of both of them to sort out their matter by themselves because whenever a third person interfered between two people, the matter got worse instead of improving and she did not want that to happen.

Mahesh's condition was also similar. Vishant's men tortured him a lot but did not let him die. They were doing this with him every time. first, they tortured him till he was about to die but when he was about to die, they got him treated by the doctor and prepared him for their next round of torture as Vishant instructed them. His life had become worse than hell and he used to pray every moment to die as Vishant wanted.

Mahi completely ignored Karan from that day onwards. She realized her mistake that she should not bad mouth about his parents. Whatever Karan and Vishant were doing, there was no fault of their parents. she didn't do right by dragging them into it.

She felt that she should apologize to Karan for this but when she remembered his disrespecting words against her father, she gave up on apologizing to him but she apologized his parents in her heart.

Karan also did not try to talk to Mahi. he was very angry with her and avoiding her like a plague but his heart was craving for her but his anger was dominating his heart.

Ajay also got busy with Amisha's company and office work. The dates of their engagement and marriage were fixed, everyone was very happy about this. Both were going to get engaged in the coming few days.

Everything was going fine except Rajat who was disturbed because he did not understand what was happening around him. His best friend and support was behind the bars. He tried hard to meet Mahesh but the authority did not let him meet with Mahesh. On the other hand, Aggarwal industry also suffered because now everything was completely in the hands of Vishant and Karan. they were not taking Rajat's opinion in any kind of decision. He also suspected Karan and Vishant but despite his all-hard efforts, he was unable to find out anything about them. His frustration kept on increasing with time but he was not able to do anything about all these.

Today was Aashi's last exam, she came home after being free from college and came to her room and rested for a while. She was very happy that her exams were over. Now she was free from all the stress, she could go to meet her family.

When she woke up, she saw that it was evening so she quickly went to the kitchen after getting freshen up, although she was not doing any work for a few days but still sometimes she used to come to the kitchen to help Shanti but when Shanti asked her to go back and prepare for her exam, she gave the reason that she was bored with her continuous boring study so she had taken a break for a while but still Shanti did not let her do any work and if she did not listen to her then she silenced her in the name of Vishant which always used to work.

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