Chapter 42-1

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Innocent Heart Part 42-1

Vishant was pacing back and forth in his room. his whole attention was on the door. He was getting impatient with every passing second but when Aashi did not come even after waiting for a long time, he got irritated. He wanted to talk to her and to spend some time with her but she was hell bent in avoiding him.

She was not even sparing a gaze at him after what had happened in their room a few hours back. When he asked her to come with him to their room after dinner, she made an excuse of some work in the kitchen and went to the kitchen, telling him to come later.

Getting impatient, he saw the time on his phone, it was already 12 o'clock in the night.

"Now stubborn wife mine getting on my nerves. Here her husband was eagerly waiting for her and she was playing with my patience level." He mumbled to himself getting angry.

she was ignoring him in such a way that made him very angry. He was waiting in their room to talk to her about something important but she was not ready to show her presence.

"I guess I should check myself." He walked out of the room.

He angrily came down to the hall where all the servants were going to servant quarters after finishing their work of the day.

"Where is Aashi????" he asked them in his cold voice which made shudder them while moving his eyes around the hall to look for Aashi but she was nowhere to be seen.

"I..........I saw A...............Aashi mam in t.......the guest room." Hira answered by bowing her head with fear.

Hearing her words, he angrily stormed towards the guest room. He got very annoyed and angry because of this childishness of her.

Here he was waiting for her in their room and she was planning to stay in the guest room but could this happen???

Not at all.

He stopped infront of the closed door and took a long breath keeping his hand on his heart to calm down his anger which could make him to do which he never wanted do.

He knew very well that the reason for the problems in their marriage was more his anger than her father's ugly truth but he had no control over his anger no matter how hard he tried.

He tried his best to control his anger but as something did not go his way, it went out of control.

"I think I have my monster under control for now." He murmured to himself while raising his hand to knock.

He knocked softly on the door and waited patiently for her to open the door but when she did not open the door even after good 5 minutes, he lost control over his anger.

She was inside the room making her bed to sleep but as soon as she heard a knock on the door, she understood who was behind the door so she did not open the door but he started banging on the door, she got scared and stared at the door with fear in her eyes and prayed to God in her mind "God please help me...... he will be very angry.... please save me this time."

"Open the dammit door Aashi before I break this" she flinched hearing his loud and furious voice and his hard banging on the door. She started trembling with fear.

She again heard him shouting from outside "Aashi, open the dammit door right now...don't make me angry. Open this fucking door without any drama or else I will not take even a moment to break it" he started banging his hand on the door more furiously.

She knew that if he didn't open the door, he would really break it because his anger was looming over his head, he himself did not even know what he did in his angers but as soon as his anger subsided, he did not waste a second to apologize to her but when he was angry, she could not help but be afraid.

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