Chapter 57

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Innocent Heart Part 57

Flashback continued......

Nandini and Parag led a happy life with their children. they never let Karan fell that he was less important to them than Vishant or he was not their biological son. There was no discrimination between Karan and Vishant in their heart.

Rather, Karan was their favourite son because he was an ideal son, while Vishant was his complete opposite. Karan was calm and composed where Vishant was short tempered, naughty and stubborn but they both loved each other very much. They used to fight and to beat each other because Vishant always created problems due to his short temper and when Karan tried to explain something to him, it used to lead to a fight, but when someone tried to hurt either of them, both teamed up to teach that person a good lesson which was definitely not good for that person.

Parag and Nandini told Karan the truth about his biological parents, they didn't hide anything from him about his biological parents because they wanted him to know about them which was his right but they also assured him that even if they were not his biological parents, but they loved him as much as a real parent loved their child, for them there was no difference between him and Vishant.

They added Karan's name along with his biological parents and Parag's surname to tell him that both his surnames were his reality and that he did not have to give up one to accept the other when he could embrace both.

They didn't even realize when 12 years of their marriage passed happily with their children.

Today was Sunday and today all three were at home to make the whole house a mess. This was their usual routine. whenever Parag, Karan and Vishant were together at home, the condition of the house was no less than a battlefield.

"Vishu Karan, Parag where are you both???" Nandini shouted looking for three of them in the whole house but they were nowhere to be seen making her wonder that where were all three of them now and what new trouble they would be creating for her because it was her responsibility to clean the mess created by them.

"Oh god where are these people??" she muttered herself while searching for them.

When she was not able to find them all in the house then she came to the garden of the house where both her 10-year-old sons were playing cricket with their father.

Unvoluntary a smiled formed on her lips seeing her lovely family. She loved her family more than her life and the smile on their face was a power booster for her which was enough to make all her fatigue disappear in a second no matter how tired she was. She thanked God for this blessing.

She went to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink for them seeing their sweety form.

All three of them also got tired and sat on the ground by throwing bat and bowl.

"Dad, do you know what happened in our school yesterday??" Karan asked excitedly looking at Parag with his twinkling eye which made him smile.

Parag asked him teasingly "What happened?? Has your brother done any new prank on someone again in school???"

Vishant's head snapped at his father hearing him with a scowl on his forehead.

"What??" Parag asked him with raising his eyebrow to which vishant shot him a glare and huffed in irritation.

"Why every time everyone starts looking for my fault, I have not done anything" Vishant defended himself like a rebel in anger to his father who was misunderstanding him. He knew that Parag was not wrong in suspecting him as he was a naughty kid who loved to play pranks on others but he didn't like it at all when someone blamed or pointed him out for something he hadn't done like his father was doing right now.

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