Chapter 19

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Innocent Heart part 19

Vishant was immersed in deep thought in his study room. he was sitting on sofa. his mind and heart were continuously fighting for Aashi. His heart wanted to give her love and care and his mind was determined to give her pain and hate.

He did not understand what to do, he couldn't hurt her more even if he wanted to, nor can he love her. her tears were not letting him in peace. Her sad and tears stained were making him mad.

There was a strange kind of sadness gloominess inside his heart. His eyes were showing his inner turmoil. This was eating him from inside. He was not bad man who loved to destroy anyone's life but when he saw Aashi too close to Kabir that day, his anger and hate took turn towards Aashi. He really loved her but her cheap character was not letting him to do which was his heart wanted very badly.
he was restless and wanted some peace and she was letting him because she was only in his thought.

"How sad she was when that Rajat refused to accept her as his daughter. Why are her tears hurting me? I wish we weren't like we are. Nothing like that, nor are our lives like this today. And there is only one reason for all this. The reason is Rajat Agarwal. I will not leave him for what he had done to my family. I will take my revenge from him. he will pay for his sins." He mumbled to himself and venom dripping from his voice.
his eyes and face turned red with anger as he thought of Rajat. He clenched his jaws and made ball of his both hands. His muscles were popping out as he was trying very hard to control his anger. His eyes were looking murderous. He wanted to kill Rajat Agarwal who was behind his hatred.

He was busy to calm his nerves when his phone started ringing. He looked at his phone which was laying on tea table. He picked up the phone after seeing the name on the phone screen and angrily shouted "WHAT HAPPENED RAMAN?? WHY DID YOU CALL SO LATE NIGHT?"
Raman heard his angry shouting voice and understood that his was very angry and not in good mood. He asked him in low and scared tone carefully "Sir, what to do with those two boys?? They both are in our captivity since last night?"
He calmed himself after listening to Raman and told him in his calm but commanding tone "Leave them both and take care that no evidence is left behind. Now there is no need for both of them. Now Aashi is mine. they can't do anything even if they want to."
Raman said in his professional voice "Ok sir everything will be as you said. We won't leave any evidence behind."
After listening to Raman, he hung up the phone. he got from sofa and a thought came to his mind "let's see, what is my wife doing?"

He decided to go and check on his wife and he left from there leaving his thought behind.

Agarwal mansion

Mahi was crying sitting in front of the window of her room, she still could not believe that her younger sister had done something like this to her. The happiness which belonged her had been snatched from her, the vermilion and the Magalsutra (Nupital Chain) which she was entitled to have been snatched from her. she was feeling depressed from all this.

Even after all this had happened, the only thing screaming in her heart that her sister could not do anything like this to her. There must be some reason behind her doing this. She was too innocent to do something like this and she agreed with her heart. She was just upset and angry to Aashi but she still loved her little sister.
she was so lost in thoughts that she did not even realize when Ajay came in her room. he came to the room with a plate of food when he got to know that she didn't eat her dinner. He got very sad seeing her crying, his heart was paining seeing his both sisters crying. Today his both sisters had tears in their eyes and he could not do anything to stop them to cry even if he wanted to. He was feeling very defeated. He was ready to do anything to make them happy like before but he didn't know what to do???

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