Chapter 59

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Innocent Heart Part 59

After Karan and Vishant arrived at the orphanage, Radha tried to contact Vishant's grandparents and came to know that they were out of the country for a month so she had no other option but to hid them. She kept them both with her and took care of them like a mother.

When Neeraj and Savitri learned of the death of their son and daughter-in-law in a fire accident, they both broke down and did not try to find out more about it as they did not find anything suspicious in this because neither Radha nor Karan or Vishant told them anything.

Radha took a promise from Vishant and Karan that they will not tell their grandparents anything about this and the only reason behind this was their safety. If Neeraj came to know about this, then he will not take peace without punishing the murderers of his son and daughter-in-law, which could be a threat to his and the children's safety.

She knew that Neeraj was powerful enough that he could send his son and daughter-in-law murderers to jail but he was not vicious and evil like them so she felt it right to be at that time.

Neeraj cursed himself that because of his anger, he could not even meet his son for the last time but he wanted to repent so he decided that he will love his grandsons so much that he will never let them feel the absence of their parents.

He brought both Vishant and Karan with him and after that both of them became his world for him and everything for his wife.

Karan and Vishant also never told him the truth but the feeling of avenging the death of their parents got stronger in their mind with time.

Time passed and it brought Karan and Vishant were in front of Rajat.

Flashback the end

Hearing Karan and Vishant's painful past, Aashi's eyes welled up and tears started flowing. No one deserved this, every child deserved a peaceful and loving childhood that helped us become who we were today.

They were in pure silence after hearing this as they were taking time to process all this.

She lifted her teary eyes to see him who was standing few steps aways with his hands fisted and his back facing her but his posture was as stiff as a rock.

She walked down the stairs and hugged him tightly from behind and rested her head on his back forgetting the fact that she was angry with him. If she could see anything now, it was only his pain which was giving her the same pain. she loved him. Her tears stared to stain his shirt.

He neither pushed her away from himself nor held her in his arms. He himself was in the trap of the demons of his past.

He was happy that he had shared his horrific past with his love today but there was still one very important task left to do and that was to tell her the name of the man who did all this that might take her away from him forever and turned the anger in her heart for him into hatred.

He knew that whatever he had done to her till now was all wrong and he should get his punishment which he was ready to accept but he could not lose her as a punishment.

She was his everything for him, he was ready to change himself and take therapy to control his anger but not at all to lose her.

If he lost her, he would set this whole world on fire.

He told his whole story to her but did not tell the name of the culprit of his family. He knew that this work was the most important and difficult.

"You are very strong." She mumbled rubbing her face on his back.

He held her hand on his chest and pulled her in front of him and hugged her wrapping his arms around her possessively as his life depended on her. she too hugged him back putting her face on his thumping heart.

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