Chapter 41

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Innocent Heart part 41

Aashi came to the orphanage and brought chocolates and balloons for the children with her like as always. As soon as the children saw Aashi, they became overjoyed and excited and she also became very happy to see the children. She gave chocolates and balloons to all the children, which the children happily took. she spent some time with the children. they told her about their silly and childish problems and she listened carefully and gave them silly and solutions like their problems which made them happy. She played with the children for a while before going to meet Radha.

Radha was reading some files sitting behind the table when she heard someone knocking on the door, her attention went towards the door. Her lips twitched in smile as her eyes fell on Aashi who standing there and smiling at her.

Radha said to her politely while sweet smile still playing on her lips "Aashi dear why are you standing there, come inside."

Radha got up from her chair putting the file on the table and came near the sofa. Aashi also came and bended down to touch her to take blessings. Radha patted her head lightly and pulled her in her arms.

Radha kissed on her forehead as she asked her to sit on the sofa and they sat beside each other.

"How is you???" Aashi asked politely.

"I am fine. How are you??? How are Vishant and Karan??? Have they both come with you??" Radha asked glancing at the door. She thought that Karan or Vishant must have also come with Aashi as she never came here alone after marriage, she always came with Vishant.

"We are all fine and I have come alone with driver uncle. No one has come with me." she replied her with a smile on her lips.

"Ohh....... I thought one of them must have come with you. Let's leave it all. how was your exam and you tell me are you happy with Vishant???" Radha asked moving her gaze at Aashi from the door.

Aashi smiled at this old lady's concern and said to her "All is well Radha Maa"

Radha put her hand on her head and said "God bless you all always"

Aashi slightly nodded her head and started fidgeting her fingers in nervousness.

After some time she said to Radha while playing with the free end of her saree "I want to ask you something if you have time"

Seeing her doing this, Radha understood that she was very nervous about something, so she took her hand and caressed her back hand with her other hand. She gave her warm smile and asked her in motherly tone "dear what? What's the matter??? You can ask me whatever you want and if it is in my control, I will help you definitely."

Aashi got relaxed after listening to Radha and kept her other hand on Radha's hand and asked "Will you tell me about Vishant??? How do you know him and Karan Bhai (brother)??? You said that he used to come here with his parents in his childhood, does that mean you must know his parents as well??? Please tell me about them pppppplease............"she dragged please to show her desperation.

She was really desperate to know more about Vishant's life because the more she tried to understand and know him, the more she seemed to be getting entangled. Everything was very confusing for her. She knew that something was happening around her but she did not know what was happening.

Radha chuckled at Aashi's question and asked her teasingly "You could have asked all this to Vishant too, so why only me??"

Aashi's face turned pale listening this. Asking anything from vishant mean inviting new troubles for herself. It was not that they had never talked about his life before but he only told her what he thought she needed to know because everything related to him was related to the truth which was enough to bring storm in their life. That's why he tried to ignore it as much as possible.

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