Chapter 61

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Innocent Heart Part 61

Vishant was sitting on the bench by the side of the road and was staring at the stars but his mind was wondering around on what happened today. His heart was scared even in the name of losing Aashi.

He very well knew he didn't deserve pure soul like her when his heart was full of hatred and revenge but he couldn't lose her at any cost. After losing everything in his life and spending years in pain, he had found her who was his solace, his peace, his love, his everything. If he lost her then it was sure that he will lose himself too.

He accepted that he did wrong to Mahi and for that he was ready to apologize to her again as many times as she wanted but that didn't mean she had the right to point at his love for his wife.

He loved her with his everything. She was the only one who could take him to the peak of fury in a moment when she pushed him away from herself and her one smile had the power to calm him down like a river of water in that very moment.

She could control him without knowing what power she had over him.

Every truth was bound to come out one day or the other, the time had come for the truth of their marriage to come out too.

He won't stop Aashi from telling her family the truth about their marriage but he won't let her go away from him when they had become one in every sense.

Called it obsession or whatever you wanted but he will do anything to keep her in his life, not even when he knew that she also loved him otherwise she would never give him his husband right.

He was elated that his Aashi was only his but still his heart was eager to hear the three words from her mouth 'I love you'.

A smile formed on his lips and his eyes twinkled with ecstatic remembering the beautiful moments of his life that he had spent with her.

He couldn't express in words how happy he was and could do anything for happiness. He started reminiscing their journey how he first met her in the orphanage unaware that one day she will become his life which his heart knew in a single glimpse of her.

Nitin was standing at a distance from Vishant with the support of his car. He was confused by the weirdness of his boss who was sometimes making sad and sometimes happy faces.

He didn't understand what he was thinking.

"Is he sad or happy??" he thought looking at vishant who was still lost in his thoughts.

A car halted behind his car and Karan got down out of it.

He looked around and found Vishant sitting on the bench.

He came to Nitin and ordered him "You go and tell our men to be on the alert because anything can happen any time. Keep close eye on Rajat and his men too, don't miss anything and report me and Vishant immediately if you feel anything suspicious."

Nitin nodded in response before leaving.

Karan looked at his with a sigh and walked him.

Vishant was in deep thought but when he felt the presence of someone on the bench near him, he came out of his trance to see Karan. he growled and asked him what he had wanted to ask him since the moment he saw him outside the door of his suite "What the fuck are you doing here???"

He was not surprised by seeing him here on the same bench as he knew that Nitin was keeping an eye on him.

"Same like you" Karan said to him keeping his head on the back of the bench without looking at him.

"Karan, don't fuck up my mind. Just answer me " Vishant spatted at him, making an annoyed face.

"I am admiring the stars" Karan said nonchalantly pointing his finger towards the sky.

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