3. It's all a dream

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I stared with wide eyes at the person who had entered my room, and to my disbelief, it was Bill Kaulitz, the charismatic singer of Tokio Hotel. "Bill!" I exclaimed in astonishment, my heart pounding with excitement.
He laughed and called my name back just as enthusiastically. "Elise!" Then he happily explained how he had arranged breakfast in bed for me. I looked at him with a mixture of amazement and joy, my thoughts in a whirl because I knew this couldn't possibly be real.
Bill sat on the edge of the bed and carefully placed the tray on my lap. I gazed at the delightful scents of freshly baked croissants and steaming coffee rising from the tray. My stomach rumbled with desire, but I couldn't take my eyes off Bill.
"Can I give you a hug?" came clumsily out of my mouth, as if I were afraid he could disappear from my dream at any moment.
He laughed again, a warm, reassuring laugh, and nodded. "Don't you want to eat first, Silly? You can have dessert afterward," he teased. He came to sit beside me on the bed and wrapped his arms around me.
This felt like a warm blanket of reassurance and tenderness enveloping me. A wave of emotions overwhelmed me, and I could hardly believe that this moment was real, even though I understood that it was happening in a dream.
His touch brought a sense of comfort and security, as if he wanted to reassure me that everything would be okay, even in the weirdest and most unreal situations. It was as if his arm shielded me from all the worries and fears I carried in my real life.
I could feel the warmth of his body as we sat close together. His presence gave me a sense of connection and made me forget the chaotic world around us. It was as if we were sitting together in a safe cocoon, shielded from reality.
My heart beat faster, and a smile played on my lips as I cherished his proximity.
When Bill finally withdrew his arm, I felt a slight disappointment, but his words brought me back to reality immediately. "Let's start breakfast," he suggested, "I'm hungry as a horse."
His enthusiasm was contagious, and I smiled as I focused on the tray in front of us. The scent of the fresh breakfast filled the room, and my stomach now rumbled even louder in response to the promise of a delicious meal.
My question must have sounded strange to Bill, but I felt like it was a way to test if this was real or just a dream. "Okay, but before we start breakfast, can you squeeze my arm really hard?" I asked hesitantly.
He looked at me with a frown as he took a bite of his croissant. "What's with all the strange questions today, Elise?" he responded with a grin. "But okay, because you ask so nicely." And then he suddenly squeezed my arm.
The pain was sharp and immediate. I closed my eyes and felt tears welling up. This had to be real; the pain was too intense to be a dream. It was a confusing and overwhelming moment, and I was sure I would finally wake up from this strange dream.
When I finally opened my eyes, I was still in the same chic room, with Bill by my side and breakfast before us. The reality of this strange situation sank in, and I knew that this was no ordinary dream, but rather a mystery I had yet to unravel.
Bill noticed my distracted look and suddenly sounded very serious. "Elise, what's going on?" he asked with concern, his voice filled with worry. I looked at him, my thoughts in turmoil and my feelings overwhelming. "It's just... all of this, it feels so strange, so unreal," I muttered, my voice uncertain.

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now