105. Dreams can come true - The End

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Bill opened the door to his brand new apartment, and I followed him inside. The luxurious space exuded an atmosphere of comfort and style. The decor was meticulously curated, with attention to detail. I couldn't help but look around in admiration, impressed by the beautiful ambiance the apartment exuded.
We had decided to take a break from Simone and Gordon's house, seeking a moment of peace and privacy. Tom had indicated that he would stay there a while longer, leaving Bill and me with this breathtaking apartment to ourselves.
As I fascinatedly took in the interior, I felt Bill come up beside me. In his hand, he held a glass of champagne, ready to toast to this moment of relaxation together. My eyes were drawn to the window, where a stunning view of the city stretched out beyond.
"Wow," I whispered, impressed by both the view and the ambiance of the apartment. The city lights twinkled like stars in the distance, and I felt momentarily awestruck by the beauty of the scene.
Bill nodded understandingly, his eyes sparkling with a hint of pride. He handed me the glass of champagne, and I accepted it gratefully. A soft smile spread across my lips as I looked at him lovingly. We stood there, both enjoying the moment, while the sparkling bubbles in our glasses seemed to bring a cheerful melody of relaxation.
It was as if the world had momentarily paused, and we were both immersed in the luxury of this special moment. The worries from earlier seemed far away, and instead, we relished each other's company, surrounded by the opulence of the beautiful apartment and the stunning view unfolding before us.

"Are you okay?" Bill asked with concern as he stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I found it quite scary to wake up in this reality like that," I admitted, the excitement and fear still fresh in my mind.
Bill pulled me closer to him and whispered reassuring words, "I'll make sure David can't lay a finger on you." His determination gave me a sense of security, and I turned around to look him in the eyes. Without words, I expressed my feelings and kissed him tenderly. The kiss was filled with emotions of relief, love, and a hint of longing. It was as if we were making a pact together to stand by each other through thick and thin, regardless of the challenges that might come our way.
After the kiss, Bill looked deeply into my eyes and asked with a concerned look if I wanted to stay in this world. Thoughts of my deceased mother broke my heart, but Bill was here, and I was here. In that moment, I realized that he was what I needed. "Yes," I answered with full conviction.
Bill picked me up and exclaimed enthusiastically, "Come here, you!" As if I were a feather, he lifted me up and led me to his bedroom.
In his bedroom, everything felt familiar and warm. The atmosphere was saturated with love and understanding, and I realized that this was where I belonged. Bill gently set me down, but still held me tightly as if afraid I would disappear. His gaze spoke volumes, full of love and care.
"I want you to feel at home here," Bill whispered, as he looked at me tenderly. I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek, my way of showing that I already felt at home in his presence.

With a soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains, we settled onto the comfortable bed in Bill's bedroom. The room was infused with a calm serenity, and the silence was only broken by the gentle rustling of the night. Bill looked at me lovingly, and I felt the warmth of his gaze penetrating deep.
He tenderly brushed a strand of hair from my face and leaned in slowly towards me. Slowly, Bill let his lips touch mine, a tender kiss that felt like a promise. His lips were soft and warm, and each touch sent tingles through my body. It felt like a dance of desire, where every movement perfectly followed the other. His hands lovingly caressed my hair, while I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling our bodies closer together.
As our lips explored each other, his hands moved along my body, each touch infused with loving intention. His fingers gently glided over my skin, a sensation that sent shivers of pleasure through my entire being. It was a caress of longing, a confirmation of our connection.
In the intimate silence, our hands found each other and intertwined. I felt the strength and warmth of his grip, a symbolic embrace of our togetherness. His lips left mine and trailed over my skin, each kiss a tender promise of love and devotion.
The atmosphere grew more intense as we let our desires roam free. His eyes remained locked on mine, as if he wanted to read and understand my soul. In those moments of intimacy, all worries and problems of the world seemed to fade away.
The rhythm of our breathing became one, and the love between us was celebrated in every tender touch. It was more than physical attraction; it was a merging of souls that had finally found each other. Every kiss, every caress, told a story of love and hope, a promise for the future.
The night progressed with a symphony of love and passion, and we explored each other's bodies with a deep connection. Words were unnecessary, as our hearts spoke a language only lovers understand.
Eventually, as we lay in each other's arms, enveloped by the peace of the night, I felt a deep gratitude for the wonder of this moment. A new reality, a fresh start, and the promise of a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space.
"I love you," his voice sounded like a tender melody that touched my heart. A warm wave of affection washed over me, and I responded to his declaration of love by slipping under the covers of the comfortable bed.

Author's note: 

Thank you to everyone who has read this story. Thank you to all those who have empathized with the adventures of Elise and Bill. Thank you for all the comments and votes I have received. I have written this story with so much passion and love.

But actually, I'm not done writing yet. Are you ready for the second book, 'Dreams can come true' ?

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