38. Sweet dreams Elise

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After the conversation between Elise and me had settled, we decided to watch a movie together. Bas had meanwhile gone to his own tour bus, and it was time to unwind. We wanted to forget the tension from earlier in the day and just enjoy.
It was Georg's turn to choose a movie, and, of course, he went for an action film. He browsed through the collection of movies we had on the tour bus and selected a film filled with explosions, shootouts, and chase scenes. We settled into the comfortable seats in the common area of the tour bus, the curtains closed to keep out the light.
Although I personally wasn't a fan of action movies, I noticed that Gustav, Georg, and Tom were completely absorbed in the film. They were on the edge of their seats, excited about every explosion and chase scene. The adrenaline from the movie emanated from the screen, completely engulfing them in the story.
As I nestled comfortably next to Elise, I could feel her warmth as she snuggled in my arms. It felt good to be together and close the day with some relaxation. I looked at her as she stared at the screen, her eyes interested, and her face illuminated by the light of the movie.
While the action movie continued unabated, I observed that Elise seemed less and less interested in the screen. Her gaze slackened, and I saw her eyes getting heavier.
I noticed Elise's breathing gradually slowing down, and her eyes gently closed. It didn't take long before she fell asleep in my arms.
I smiled softly and moved carefully not to wake her up. It was a tender moment amidst the action scenes and explosions on the screen. I knew she needed well-deserved rest, and I just wanted to be there for her. So, I remained seated, holding her close as she slept peacefully. I didn't want to disturb her, so I let her sleep peacefully while I focused on the movie and gently stroked her, grateful that she was with me.
The movie progressed, and despite the action and excitement on the screen, I couldn't take my eyes off Elise. Her face seemed peaceful, and her presence in my arms brought a sense of comfort and serenity.
Gustav, Tom, and Georg were still engrossed in the film, totally unaware of what was happening in the back half of the tour bus. I didn't mind not fully following the action movie; I enjoyed much more just sitting there with Elise in my arms.
As the movie approached its end, I saw the rest of the band members slowly getting up. They looked at Elise, who was still deeply asleep. With my finger on my lips, I made a soothing gesture to them. I didn't want Elise to wake up because she looked so peaceful while sleeping.
The guys understood the message and quietly left for their respective beds. It seemed like the world around us momentarily stood still, and I was alone with Elise.
I remained seated with Elise in my arms, gently stroking her hair as she slept peacefully. It was an intimate moment that I cherished, knowing that behind the scenes, there was so much complexity in our relationship, but at this moment, everything felt simple and tender.
As I sat there with Elise in my arms, I couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful she was, even in her sleep. Her face radiated a natural beauty that enchanted me, and I felt a deep desire to kiss her. But I knew I had to maintain my self-control; I thought of the promise I had made to her not to fall in love. It was a promise I had made with the best intentions, but it was becoming increasingly challenging to keep. Every day we were together, my feelings for her grew. But I knew I couldn't break that promise, no matter how strong my desire to kiss her was.
I felt her gentle breathing on my skin and focused on the feeling of her in my arms. Her proximity was enough to make me happy, even if I longed for more.
This was our last evening together, and I realized that these precious moments were limited. With David's help, I had arranged for us to take some time off tomorrow morning as soon as we arrived in Berlin.
Of course, I had to promise to be back well in time for our performance. My responsibility as the frontman of Tokio Hotel was crucial. Moreover, I had promised Elise that I would visit her mother with her in the morning. That was important to her, and I wanted to show my support and presence, even amid our busy touring schedule. The realization that these were our very last moments together deeply sank in, and I wished I could freeze time. Tomorrow, Elise would leave for good, and the thought of her absence hurt.
With these thoughts in my mind, I gently stroked Elise's hair as she lay in my arms, peacefully sleeping.
What would I do if the real Elise suddenly stood in front of me tomorrow? The emotions I felt at this moment were so much more intense than what I had ever felt for the real Elise.
The questions in my head continued to linger. Should I keep the other Elise close to me just because of her physical resemblance to the girl I truly loved? Would that be fair to her? Would it be too painful to have her around, knowing that I would never see my true love again?
Elise began to wake up slowly, rubbed her eyes, and smiled when she looked at me. "Oh, did I fall asleep?" she asked with a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Yes," I replied with a soft smile. "But that's not a problem at all. It was actually quite cute."
Elise looked at me with a playful glance. "I can't remember the last time I fell asleep during a movie."
I smiled and gently stroked her cheek. "You must have been very tired. But you didn't miss anything."
Elise nodded and stretched. "Well, it was a cozy way to fall asleep."
I laughed softly and stood up. "Maybe it's time to go to bed before I fall asleep here too."
Elise nodded in agreement and stood up, following me to our sleeping area in the tour bus.

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