91. Moving on

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POV Bill

Six months had passed since Elise returned to my world. In that period, a lot had happened. Elise and I had resolved our differences and become good friends. Our bond was not what it used to be, but a new kind of connection had emerged between us. No longer love, but friendship.
It took time to rebuild trust, but somewhere along the way, I had gained understanding of her situation, even though a part of me would never forget what she had done with David. Tom and the rest of the band, however, were less forgiving. They viewed my renewed friendship with Elise with suspicion. Our conversations were accompanied by heavy silences and unspoken irritations. Tom, in particular, made it clear that he was not okay with me being close to Elise again.

Tom stared at me with a look of incomprehension and frustration. We were in our dressing room after a performance, the atmosphere tense between us. He took a deep breath and said, "Bill, I really don't understand why you're so close to Elise. After everything that happened, don't you think it's better to just keep your distance?" I leaned against the wall and looked at him, knowing that this conversation had been looming for a while. "Tom, I know it's hard to understand, but people can change. Elise regrets her actions, and we've made amends." Tom shook his head, his eyes speaking volumes of disbelief. "I don't get why you're giving her another chance. She nearly destroyed all of us, Bill. She played with our feelings, and now you're walking around like nothing happened." I let out a deep sigh. "Tom, I know it's not easy to accept, but sometimes you have to forgive to move forward yourself. Elise had her reasons, however wrong they were. And I believe people can grow, change." Tom stood up and began pacing the room in frustration. "Well, I don't know, Bill. It just doesn't feel right. I don't trust her, and I don't want her to have more influence on us." I looked at my brother, understanding that his concern stemmed from a desire to protect our band. "Tom, I'm not asking you to trust her. I'm just asking for her to have a chance to prove she has changed. Sometimes people deserve a second chance, you know." Tom paused for a moment and looked at me, his face contorted with doubt. "I just hope you know what you're doing, Bill. We've had enough problems already." I nodded understandingly, aware that the bond between Elise and me struck a sensitive chord with my brother and the rest of the band.

Meanwhile, our tour had come to an end, and we had thoroughly enjoyed our well-deserved free time. However, soon after the concert series, we found ourselves back in the studio, ready to record our new album, Humanoid. Elise from the other world, whom I intensely missed, had served as an endless source of inspiration for many songs on our new album.
The studio hours were filled with creativity and passion, and as a band, we were immensely proud of what we had created. The music reflected not only our individual growth but also the evolution of our band. It felt like a new chapter, where we used our experiences, both positive and negative, as fuel for our art.
Elise from the other world had taken a special place in my heart, and her absence was palpable. Her memory and the emotions she had evoked were woven into the melodies and lyrics of our songs. Sometimes, it felt like she was with us, her influence tangible in the musical notes we produced.

David was no longer our manager. He had been replaced by Hans, a friendly man who knew how to get things done and had a firm grip on things. The atmosphere within the band improved significantly since his arrival. Hans brought a new enthusiasm and fresh dynamics to our team, and we felt supported by his professional approach.
Meanwhile, David regularly visited Elise, and she tried to stay away from him as much as possible. His shadow still loomed over her, and the memories of the time he manipulated her like a puppet ran deep. It was clear that David struggled with losing control, and Elise felt the pressure to resist him. She did her best to avoid his influence and focus on her own life.
With Hans on board, we felt like we were in better hands. His professionalism and commitment created a healthy working environment in which we could thrive. We looked forward to new opportunities and challenges, without the heavy burden that David brought with him.

One evening, we were once again guests at an award show and after-party, and against Tom's wishes, I had decided to bring Elise along. The event was grand, bringing together many familiar faces, including Alissa, the girl I had kissed during a moment of drunkenness.
Tom, who clearly thought it was time to apologize, had more or less forced me to approach Alissa and set things right. 

As the music and the buzz of the crowd filled the venue, I approached Alissa, who was standing at the edge of the dance floor.
"Hey, Alissa," I began, my voice slightly tense. "I actually wanted to apologize for that night. It wasn't my intention." Alissa looked at me with a smile, a mix of understanding and amusement. "Oh, Bill, don't worry. It's long forgotten. That's how things go at parties, right?" Meanwhile, I kept an eye on Elise, who was standing at a distance, observing the events. Tom looked on from afar, his gaze full of anticipation. While I continued to chat with Alissa, I couldn't deny that we had a good connection. Her company felt relaxed, and the conversations flowed smoothly. Elise had by now joined us, and to my relief, the two women seemed to get along well.
"Bill, I think I'm going to get some drinks," Alissa said with a smile. "Will you be right back?" "Sure, I'll be right back," I replied as I followed her departing figure into the crowd. Elise and I were left standing amidst the festive crowd. There was a strange silence between us, as if Alissa's presence had created an invisible tension. I looked at Elise, searching for a sign of what was going on in her mind.
"Everything okay?" I asked, my voice soft to avoid getting lost in the noise of the award show. She nodded briefly. "Yes, of course. I'm glad you apologized to Alissa. It seems like you two get along well." I smiled, grateful for her understanding. "She's nice, isn't she?" "Yeah, she seems nice," Elise agreed. "Let's just enjoy the evening." Together we walked to the bar, where Alissa was already waiting with drinks in her hands. The night continued with laughter, music, and a renewed harmony between us, despite the awkward start.

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