50. Breakfast with Simone

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The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and renewed in Bill's cozy attic room. The night had done wonders for me. When I looked to the side, I noticed that Bill was still deep in slumber. I smiled as I observed his peaceful face, not wanting to disturb him.
Carefully, I slipped out of bed and put on something comfortable. I found a soft, loose sweater in the room and decided to head downstairs. The wooden floor creaked softly beneath my feet as I made my way to the door.
The steps of the wooden staircase creaked gently as I descended. Downstairs, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of freshly baked bread, and I could hear Simone busy preparing breakfast. She looked up when she saw me and greeted me with a radiant smile. "Good morning, Elise," she said warmly, placing a bowl of fruit on the table. "Would you like a delicious breakfast?"
"Good morning, Simone," I replied as I stared at the set table. An inviting basket of fresh croissants took center stage, surrounded by bowls of fresh fruit and cheese. The kitchen light played with her short blond-gray hair as she poured the last bit of freshly squeezed orange juice into a glass. I felt honored that she made such an effort to spoil us with a delightful breakfast. "I definitely won't say no!"
As I sat down at the table, she asked, "Did you sleep well?" Meanwhile, she sliced the fresh bread, looking at me curiously.
I nodded as I took my first sip of the refreshing juice. "Yes, it was blissful not to sleep in a hotel or our tour bus for once. The peace and coziness of this house really did wonders for me."
Simone smiled contentedly and took a seat at the table. As we enjoyed our breakfast together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the hospitality of the Kaulitz family.

During breakfast, Simone told me more about her sons, Bill and Tom. "It will take a while before the twins get out of bed," she remarked. "They're so tired from the tour, always on the go, and once they're in their own bed, they often sleep for a long time." I nodded understandingly, imagining how challenging it must have been for the boys to perform and travel for months. Even though I had been traveling with them for just over a week, I could already feel the exhaustion.
My curiosity about the family grew, and I couldn't help but inquire about Gordon. "Is Gordon home?" I asked in a calm tone.
Simone shook her head, showing a smile as she continued. "No, Gordon has already gone to work. He left early this morning." Her eyes radiated love and respect when she spoke about Gordon, and I was curious about the story behind their relationship. I had also noticed that they didn't address him as "dad." "May I ask if Gordon is the twins' father?" I asked cautiously.
Simone sighed lightly, her gaze drifting to an old photo on the wall. "No," she answered with a touch of nostalgia in her voice. "Gordon is their stepfather. The real father left us when they were very young." Her words revealed a story that seemed both painful and hopeful. "After that, I met Gordon," she continued, recovering her smile, "he was a guitarist in a local band. He quickly noticed the boys' musical talent, and the rest is history." It was clear that Gordon had played a significant role in the twins' lives, and I admired Simone for the love and support she provided to her sons.

As we chatted and got to know each other a bit more, I felt truly comfortable with her. After a while, while sipping my coffee, I brought up the idea.
"Simone," I began cautiously, "I'd like to do something in return for your hospitality. What do you think about me cooking dinner tonight?"
Simone looked at me in surprise and smiled appreciatively. "Oh, that's really kind of you, Elise," she replied.
I felt relieved that she reacted positively to my proposal. "I enjoy cooking, and I think it would be nice to prepare something for you," I continued. Simone nodded in agreement. "That sounds fantastic, Elise. We really appreciate it. What do you want to make?"
As I contemplated what to cook, Simone, with a twinkle in her eye, suggested, "How about tiramisu for dessert? It's one of the boys' favorite desserts. And if you'd like, we can make it together. That would make it even more special."
"That sounds amazing!" I agreed enthusiastically. "Let's make the dessert together. It's going to be a cozy day."
I suggested preparing a delicious vegetarian lasagna casserole as the main course. It seemed like a dish that would appeal to both the twins and Simone and Gordon, and it gave me the opportunity to cook something tasty for them.
Simone looked at me with a radiant smile and nodded approvingly. "That sounds wonderful, Elise! The boys love lasagna. I'm sure they'll enjoy it."
We started putting together a list of all the necessary ingredients for both the lasagna and the tiramisu. As we made the list, I felt grateful to be part of this warm family. It reminded me of the times when I stood in the kitchen with my mother, and I realized how much I had missed that.
"It's really great to have you here, Elise," she said. I felt the genuine warmth in Simone's words and smiled gratefully. However, I couldn't help but drift into thoughts about the other Elise, and I became a bit melancholic. Recalling her behavior made me angry. The thought that she would dump Bill without any emotion, while there was such a loving family here willing to embrace her, stirred my sense of justice.
I knew it would genuinely hurt Simone if the other Elise would dismiss Bill without any consideration. It seemed incomprehensible and unfair that someone would waste such a fantastic opportunity to be part of this warm family.

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