66. The After Party

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With a heavy heart and already a bit intoxicated, I stood at the bar as the music echoed through the vibrant hall's speakers. The sound around me was a whirlwind of excitement, but my thoughts were entangled in an emotional storm tearing me apart.
I ordered another glass of champagne, sighing deeply as I watched the dancing crowd. Next to me, I heard someone else ordering a glass of champagne. I turned to greet the person next to me, but when I saw her, my breath caught.
A beautiful young woman stood beside me, her enchanting presence radiating confidence and beauty. Her long, wavy brown hair shimmered in the subdued light, and her eyes emitted a mischievous sparkle. She wore a dress that sparkled like the stars in the night sky, and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over her.
"Pleasure to meet you," she said, her voice soft and seductive. She raised her champagne glass, and her laughter was enchanting. "Care to toast with me?"
Nerves started to gnaw at me, but I accepted her invitation with a smile. I raised my glass to hers and said, "Cheers." It felt like I could momentarily escape reality with this stranger, even if it was just for a moment.
She looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes and remarked, "You're Bill from Tokio Hotel, right?" Her tone was light and curious, and I laughed at her genuine question.
"Is it my hair that gives me away?" I joked, shaking my signature lion's mane. It felt good to relax, to not be reminded of my worries.
She genuinely laughed at my comment and introduced herself. "Alissa, pleased to meet you." Her name carried an air of mystery, fitting for the evening.
Then, she took the lead again, "Would you like to dance with me?" I didn't hesitate. With a broad smile, I downed my glass of champagne in one gulp and followed her to the dance floor.
The music pulsated through the speakers as I hit the dance floor with Alissa. Lights flashed and twirled around us, and I finally felt free from the heavy burden pressing on my shoulders. The champagne had done its job, and my worries faded as I surrendered to the rhythm of the music.
Alissa moved sensually to the beat, her body in perfect harmony with the melody. Her dark eyes exuded seduction as she looked at me with a mischievous smile. She was irresistible, and I felt drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
We danced close to each other, and her hands glided over my back as she pulled me even closer. Her touches were gentle and enticing, and I could feel the tension building. Suddenly, she leaned in, her lips just inches away from mine. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel her warm breath on my face.
Alissa kissed me, her lips soft and fiery at the same time. I responded to her kiss with full surrender, longing for the passion igniting between us. Her tongue found mine, and we lost ourselves in a passionate French kiss. Her hands ran through my hair as the world around us faded.
But then, amidst our passionate kiss, thoughts of Elise invaded my mind. My heart shrank with guilt, and the kiss I shared with Alissa turned into a bittersweet taste in my mouth. What was I doing? How could I so quickly forget what I felt for Elise? My conscience began to nag, and I felt guilty for letting myself be seduced by Alissa's charms.
I abruptly broke the kiss and looked deep into Alissa's eyes. The alcohol started to take its toll. My thoughts became hazy, and the voice in my head begging me not to go further with Alissa began to fade. I thought to myself, "Why should I care? Elise doesn't even like me." The world around me spun, and I no longer thought about the consequences of my actions. "Fuck it," I muttered to myself as I downed another glass of champagne.
Alissa, alluring and attractive, still stood beside me, her eyes filled with desire. We resumed our passionate kiss as I pushed thoughts of Elise to the background. Her lips were so soft, and her touches were so intoxicating that I got carried away in the moment.
But then, suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away from her. I blinked, and Tom's angry face appeared before me. He shouted something in my ear, but I couldn't hear his words over the still-thumping music. Georg and Gustav joined Tom, and I realized they were trying to bring me back to my senses.
"What do you want?" I yelled, my words lost in the chaos around us. Tom held onto my arm firmly, and I jerked away, wobbling on my legs. "Leave me alone!" I shouted as alcohol fueled my anger.
Suddenly, I felt myself stumbling backward, and it was Georg who caught me just in time. My world spun and turned, and I knew I had gone too far. With a final flash of consciousness, I realized that my overconfident behavior had overcome me. Then, the light completely faded, and I was taken away by the darkness of intoxication.

The next morning, I opened my eyes and was overwhelmed by a pounding headache. The sunlight shone brightly through the curtains, and my stomach churned uncomfortably. When I looked beside me, I saw Tom lying there. My memories were blurry and confused, and I felt terrible. A feeling of nausea bubbled in my stomach, and I rushed to the bathroom.
With my head over the toilet bowl, I felt miserable. I had clearly drunk too much and was now paying the price. As I vomited, I tried to piece together what exactly had happened after the award show. Fragments of memories flashed through my mind, but everything was incoherent and vague.
I heard the bathroom door open, and soon Tom was standing next to me. His words seemed distant, but I could just hear him asking if I was okay. I weakly shook my head, and his response was not exactly sympathetic. "Maybe this is your just desserts," he muttered, lacking much sympathy in his tone.
I looked at him with a pleading look in my eyes, trying to use my hoarse voice to ask a question. "Tom, what happened yesterday?" Tom sighed and sat on the edge of the bathtub. "You were pretty drunk, Bill. We won a few more awards, and then... let's just say the champagne flowed freely."
I squinted, trying to decipher exactly what had happened. What had I done? What had I said? Memories slowly started coming back, fragments of moments where my behavior hadn't been particularly honorable.
Tom waited, as if expecting me to ask more questions. Eventually, I whispered with shame, "What did I do, Tom?"

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