100. Fix Food

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Not long after, Tom and I were in the car, heading to Mom and Gordon. "I can't believe you forgot to do the groceries," I sighed, still irritated about the empty fridge. Tom bounced the remark back. "You could have gone to the store too," he pointed out. "At least Mom will be happy we're visiting," he added, trying to put a positive spin on the situation. "We were planning to have dinner there tonight anyway," I replied.

The drive to our childhood home went smoothly, with Tom behind the wheel while I sat by the window, gazing outside. The house where we grew up quickly loomed in the distance, surrounded by a hint of nostalgia and memories of our youth. Tom parked the car, and we got out. The front door creaked a bit, but the familiar sound immediately brought a smile to my face. We walked in and were greeted by the familiar smell of Mom's freshly baked bread wafting through the hallway. Mom, Simone, was alone at home, and she looked surprised as she glanced up from the kitchen. "Boys, what a pleasant surprise! You're here so early," she exclaimed, flour-dusted hands reaching out to us. Tom gave her a hug. "Hey, Mom. Yeah, we thought, let's honor our favorite chef with an unannounced visit." I couldn't help but complain. "Tom forgot to do the groceries, Mom. We have nothing to eat at home." I looked challengingly at Tom, knowing it wasn't my responsibility, but I couldn't resist. Simone looked at both of us and laughed. "Well, you're in luck. I just baked fresh bread. There's also a stew on the stove. Your timing is perfect." Relief spread across my face. "That sounds wonderful, Mom. Definitely better than takeaway pizza in the morning." We sat at the kitchen table, where Simone provided us with warm cups of coffee and freshly baked bread. The aroma filled the kitchen, and it felt like home. I took a bite of the bread and smiled at my mother. "Your bread is still the best, Mom."

Simone joined us at the table and started a conversation about the recent gala. "Bill, you looked stunning at the gala!" she said as she pulled out a magazine. She showed me the cover, featuring a picture of me dancing with Elise. My face in the photo revealed a mix of emotions, including a hint of sadness that I couldn't hide when looking at that Elise. Seeing the photo, I felt a lump in my throat. Tom immediately reacted by swiping the magazine off the table and muttering something unintelligible. It was clear he couldn't stand seeing those images. My mother inquired about Elise, how she was doing. "She looks fantastic too," she remarked. Tom let out a loud sigh, and my mother gave him a stern look, her eyes speaking volumes, a silent warning to stop. I felt uneasy due to the tense atmosphere. "Elise is doing fine, Mom. She's busy with her music and everything." Trying to steer the conversation to a lighter note. Tom, still frustrated, responded curtly. "Yeah, sure." He tried to conceal his discomfort, but the tension in the room was palpable. Simone, always a master at deciphering emotions, decided to change the subject. "And how are you and Alissa, Bill?" I looked at Tom, and he shot me a glance of frustration. "It's fine, Mom," I replied, although the words sounded hollow.

After breakfast, Tom and I decided to go to my old room to spend some time with the PlayStation. My mother, as curious as ever, asked, "Why don't you take that thing to your apartment?" Tom responded before I could answer, "We already have a new PlayStation there." Simone shook her head with a laugh as we headed upstairs. While we were gaming, Tom broke the news to me. "I called Alissa yesterday," he said, without taking his eyes off the screen. His voice sounded tense. "Die already!" he shouted as he pressed the console keys harder. I looked at him expectantly and asked, "And?" Tom paused the game briefly and replied, "We patched things up." He glanced at me briefly before refocusing on the game. Then he added, "Her photoshoot got canceled, and she wanted to surprise you by coming here today." I set the console on the table and pressed pause, looking at Tom seriously. "What?" I asked. Tom sighed, not only because I had paused the game but also because of the seriousness of the situation. He turned to me and continued, "Yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise, but given the situation, I thought I'd just tell you." I nodded in understanding. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt if you guys go to the apartment alone for the talk later," Tom suggested. I nodded again, realizing that I could no longer postpone the inevitable conversation with Alissa. I reached for my phone to check if Elise had reached out, but as expected, I still had no message from her. With a sigh, I decided to call her again, hoping for a response. I held my phone anxiously to my ear as the ringtone echoed, but once again, I got no answer. Concern began to slowly creep in, wondering why Elise wasn't responding. What could be happening? The feeling of uncertainty grew as I braved the silence on the other end of the line.

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