92. Galabal

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Three months after the award show, Alissa and I were dating. The love I felt for her couldn't be compared to the deep connection I had felt for the other Elise. Although my feelings for Alissa were genuine, I knew that the chance of ever seeing the other Elise again was almost nonexistent. Elise had tried in vain to switch back, but it seemed impossible.
Tom, of course, was overjoyed with my relationship with Alissa. As long as I didn't go back to Elise, he was satisfied. Alissa visited our home regularly and was well-received by Gorden and my mother, who found her to be a sweet girl. However, I could see in my mother's eyes that she missed Elise.

One evening, while Alissa and I were sitting on the couch watching TV, my mom approached me. "Bill, can I talk to you for a moment?" "Sure," I replied, glancing briefly at Alissa and giving her a kiss. Mom and I walked to the kitchen, away from Alissa's ears. "Bill, I'm glad you're happy with Alissa, truly. But I can't deny that I miss Elise. She was like a daughter to me, and I hope you understand that my feelings are a bit complicated." I nodded understandingly. "Mom, I miss her too, but it seems like it's better if we just remain friends." Mom placed her hand on my cheek. "I understand, Bill. I just want you to be happy. And if that's with Alissa, then I support it. But don't forget that we're always here for you, no matter what happens." I smiled gratefully and hugged her. Mom always had my best interests at heart, and I appreciated her support immensely.

Meanwhile, Tom and I had bought our own apartment in Berlin. We were in the midst of moving to our new place. It was a penthouse with the latest gadgets and luxury, and we were immensely proud of our new home. Every evening, despite being busy with the move, we couldn't resist going to Mom's for dinner. Her cooking skills and the cozy get-togethers were things we didn't want to miss, even now that we had our own place.
The new apartment was a dream come true. Spacious, modern, and with a beautiful view over Berlin. It felt like a reward for the hard work and success of our band.

I stood in front of the mirror in the brand-new bedroom of our apartment, and my gaze was focused on the sleek black suit I had put on. Tonight, I was a guest at a charity gala, and Hans, our new manager, had insisted that I attend. It was essential for the promotion of our upcoming CD, set to be released in about a month.
"TOM!" I called through the apartment. Within moments, Tom strolled into the dressing room. "When are you going to unpack all those boxes?" he grumbled. Ignoring his comment, I asked, checking my outfit, "What do you think of this suit?" Tom laughed and looked me up and down. "This isn't you, Bill," he remarked.
"I know..." I sighed as I let my gaze slide over the mirror again. The sharp lines of the suit were a stark contrast to my usual extravagant style, but the gala demanded a formal approach.
"I'm so glad I don't have to go to that thing," Tom continued. Playfully, I gave him a nudge. "Yeah, Tokio Hotel should be thankful that I'm doing this assignment alone." Tom came in front of me and adjusted my tie properly.
"Is Alissa coming?" he asked curiously. I shook my head. "She has a performance tonight, but she's coming over tomorrow."
Tom grinned, "Smart of her to get out of that gala." I rolled my eyes and said, "I have to go, or I'll miss the whole thing." Tom pouted, "Have fun then, little brother."
I left the room and descended the stairs to the ground floor, where the driver was waiting to take me to the gala. The evening promised to be interesting, although secretly, I hoped it wouldn't last too long.
The limousine took me to an elegant venue, where the red carpet was already rolled out. Upon entering the hall, I felt the eyes of the attendees on me. The atmosphere was filled with excitement, and the music filled the air. I greeted familiar faces from the music industry and engaged in polite conversations with the present press.

While chatting with Jos Frost, a well-known media figure in Germany, I saw Elise appear at the top of the stairs. She wore a red sparkling gala dress that emphasized her beauty. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. Every time I saw her, memories of the other Elise flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but long for her presence.
God, how I wished she was standing there instead of the Elise I saw now. My mouth almost fell open as I admired her. But I wasn't the only one captivated by her. A wave of silence swept through the room, and everyone looked at her, entranced by her elegant descent down the stairs.
I tried to compose myself and hide my surprise as I returned to the conversation with Jos. However, my gaze kept drifting back to Elise, who was getting closer with a smile that made my heart beat faster. It was hard not to think about what could have been, in this world where she and I were together.
"Hey," she said as she stood next to me, her voice breaking the silence. "Stop staring for once." Her laughter brought me back to the moment, and I couldn't help but smile. "You look amazing," I whispered, knowing that my words meant more than just a compliment about her appearance.

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang