84. Conversation with Elise

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A month passed, and the tension still lingered. I had informed Bas about Elise's return, and his reaction mirrored mine—displeasure and frustration. Georg and Gustav had also been briefed about the treacherous contract Elise had entered into with David. Fortunately, there was light at the end of the tunnel, as this tour had only three weeks left before we could enjoy a well-deserved break. David appeared less frequently, and Elise seemed consciously distant. I couldn't wait for the moment when I wouldn't have to face either of them.

Our day off arrived, and we had two days in the hotel before continuing the tour. The fatigue from the previous shows weighed heavily on the band and the crew, prompting many of us to use the day for some much-needed rest. I woke up in the afternoon, not inclined to spend the entire day in bed.
Deciding to freshen up, I got ready to indulge in some delicious food at the hotel. I had heard that this hotel was renowned for its culinary arts, sparking my curiosity. As I walked to the restaurant, I savored the tranquility that the day off brought. The sound of my footsteps echoed in the hallways, providing a soothing effect.
Upon reaching the restaurant, I was greeted by the enticing aroma of beautifully prepared food. The waiter led me to a comfortable table by the window, offering a splendid view of the surroundings. While perusing the menu, my senses were stimulated by the diverse culinary offerings. The chef had clearly paid attention to ingredient selection and dish presentation. After much contemplation, I decided to try something I had never eaten before—a local specialty the hotel was known for.
The dish presented before me was a true work of art. The colors and aromas tantalized my taste buds, and I took the first bite with a mix of curiosity and excitement. The flavors danced on my tongue, and I could taste the chef's craftsmanship in every detail.

As I enjoyed my meal, my attention was suddenly drawn to the sound of coughing at my table. I looked up, and to my surprise, Elise stood before me. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to understand why she was suddenly in front of me. With a faint smile, she said, "Hey... mind if I join you?" Without saying a word, I gestured with my hand for her to take a seat. She pulled the chair back and sat down, her gaze fixed on the table. A tense atmosphere hung between us, as if the silence was filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension.
"Bill," Elise began cautiously, her eyes still focused on the tablecloth. "I... I wanted to talk to you." Her voice trembled slightly, and I could feel the hesitation in her words.
I looked at her in silence, waiting for what she had to say. The sounds of the restaurant around us seemed to fade as we sat in our own little bubble of discomfort.
"I understand that you're angry with me," Elise continued, finally meeting my gaze. "And honestly, I can't blame you. What happened, the way I acted, I'm sorry." Her words sounded sincere, but there was still that distance between us.
I sighed deeply and looked directly at her. "Why are you here, Elise?" I asked, my voice calm but penetrating. "What do you want to say?"
Elise hesitated for a moment, avoiding my gaze. "I just... I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry. Sorry for how everything turned out." I looked at her, my expression neutral. It was clear that Elise had something on her mind, but I waited for her to continue. Her genuine words made me reflect on the situation, but I wanted to understand more before responding.
Elise glanced down at the table, her fingers nervously playing with a napkin as she apologized. "I'm sorry, Bill," she began hesitantly. "I really tried to improve my life, and I thought reality shifting was the solution. But it didn't work, quite the opposite."
A sigh escaped her lips before she continued, "In the other world, it wasn't any better. I regret the way I acted, especially towards you. I realize now that I actually had only one real friend, and that was you."
I looked at her attentively, my furrowed brow softening slightly as I tried to understand what she was going through. "Why did you do all those things to hurt me?" I asked cautiously.
Elise didn't meet my gaze, her eyes fixed on the table. She took a deep breath before proceeding, her voice soft and trembling, "I never had an easy life. My parents were junkies, and when I was ten, they both overdosed. I was placed in foster homes where it wasn't much better. Eventually, I ran away and tried to survive on the streets."
She brought her hand to her mouth, a sign of her discomfort as she continued, "At fourteen, I sold myself to survive and started using cocaine regularly. A few years later, I met David while trying to sell my body, high on coke. And he... he found me, I guess. He saw something in me and took me under his wing. He discovered I could sing and promised me a better life. I didn't know any better, Bill. I thought this was the only way to survive."
A soft shiver ran through her skin as she shared her story, and I felt a wave of empathy. Her vulnerability added a new dimension to the image I had of her. It was a raw, honest confession of the demons she had battled, and I couldn't deny that it shifted my perspective.

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