47. Paul & David

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Bas looked at me understandingly and spoke reassuring words. "Elise, you shouldn't pay attention to the rumors circulating. People always crave sensation, but you know what really happened."
The memory of that unpleasant prom night flashed through my mind. Everyone stared at me the next day at school, laughing at me because Mathias had used me for a bet. But I shook off that unpleasant memory and nodded to Bas. "You're right, Bas. I shouldn't let it bother me too much."
At that moment, we noticed the assistant at the dressing room door. He stood there with a bowed head, gently tapping on the door. Bas and I looked at him expectantly, and I felt a mix of curiosity and irritation about his presence. What did he want now?
The assistant seemed nervous, and his words came out hesitantly as he apologized, "I'm sorry, really. It was never intended for this to happen. I only told Sonja from the makeup, and now it seems like everyone is aware. I'm so sorry."
As I stared at him, I realized that this was not his intention at all. It was an unfortunate misunderstanding that had grown into a much bigger problem than I could have ever imagined.
Bas broke the silence and asked, "Why did you twist the facts?"
The assistant seemed relieved to have the chance to explain. "I never said that Bill and Elise were intimate," he defended himself. "But when I told Sonja about the incident, the story apparently took on a life of its own. People drew the wrong conclusions."
I nodded understandingly, glad that the assistant was trying to set the record straight. "Let's hope the outside world doesn't find out about this," I said with a sigh of relief.
The assistant nodded in agreement. "Everyone working here had to sign a confidentiality agreement. We didn't expect this to happen. I'm really sorry, Elise, and I hope I won't be fired. I really need this job."
I smiled encouragingly at the assistant and reassured him, "Of course, we won't let you be fired, but this should be a good lesson for you. Be careful with what you say and whom you trust."
The assistant seemed more relaxed and thanked us for our understanding. He left with a sense of relief, hoping he would never make such a mistake again.

After our conversation with the assistant, I was still a bit shaken when Paul suddenly entered the dressing room. My heart skipped a beat because I would have preferred to avoid Paul or David at this point.
"Here you are," Paul began, his tone businesslike and uncompromising. "You both need to sign the confidentiality document from Tokio Hotel's lawyers."
I felt the weight of the situation pressing on me, but Bas was the first to react. "Paul, we wouldn't say anything anyway. We just want to do our job and put all this behind us."
Paul placed the papers on the dressing room table and pointed to the lines where we needed to put our signatures. "It's a formality, Bas. This will only protect us. Please sign."
I sighed. "Elise," Paul continued, "This document is an additional security measure. We want to ensure that this incident doesn't have further negative consequences for our tour and your careers."
Without hesitation, Bas grabbed a pen and signed on the line. He looked at me and nodded reassuringly, after which I performed the same action. Paul accepted the signed documents and gave a brief nod.
"Good," he said. "This should settle the matter. I don't expect any further problems, understood?"
Bas nodded and replied, "We understand, Paul. This was a misunderstanding, and we just want to move on with the music."
With the documents signed, I felt a certain relief. I sincerely hoped that the gossip issue was finally resolved.
Bas noticed my relief and smiled at me. "It'll be okay, Elise. We'll leave this behind us and focus on the future."
A little later, Bas whispered without Paul hearing, "The other Elise would probably have fired that guy. Well done."
I smiled back at Bas, well aware of how important a job was, especially when you didn't have much money. It felt good not to get the assistant into trouble.
But to my dismay, David suddenly appeared in the dressing room. My heartbeat quickened, and I immediately felt tense. He looked surprised at us and asked, "What are you all doing here?"
Paul looked at David and replied, "They were just signing the confidentiality agreement, David. Everything's settled."
David looked at me seriously and said, "Yes, Elise, let's make sure something like this doesn't happen again, okay?"
I felt myself blushing again but didn't want to defend myself again. As I struggled with my embarrassment, I saw David nodding to Bas. David then asked, "What are you doing in Tokio Hotel's dressing room, anyway? Don't you have your own?"
I took a deep breath and answered, "I'm waiting for Bill."
David seemed to ponder for a moment. "Have you talked to Paul yet?" he asked.
I immediately replied, "Yes," to prevent David from further questioning. I noticed Paul handing the documents to David. David examined the papers and finally nodded approvingly. "Good, let's make sure this chapter is closed. I expect you to fully commit to the rest of the tour. We have high expectations for you, and we want the fans to have a great show."
Then, David turned his attention to Bas and said, "Your performance is done. We have two days off. You can leave." I didn't want to be left alone with those two, hearing more about what I should do with Bill. I looked a bit desperate at Bas, who thankfully understood that I didn't want to be alone.
"Yeah," Bas replied, "I'm heading home. Elise, care to join for a smoke?"
"Of course, Bas," I said gratefully. Together, we left the dressing room. The fresh air outside would be welcome.

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