79. I love you

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I looked at her and asked softly, "Did he...?" She shook her head. "You came just in time," she said, sniffling. "Is it the first time?" I asked next, and again, she shook her head. My stomach churned at the thought. "How long?" I asked cautiously. "Since our argument," she told me. "But I've never managed to go through with his advances," she added softly.
"Does anyone know about this?" I asked, concerned for her well-being. She burst into tears again, and I tried to comfort her. Eventually, she found her voice again and said, "No, I couldn't bring myself to talk about it with anyone. I just hid."
I gently squeezed her hand and said, "You're not alone, Elise. We'll get through this together. I'll always be here for you, no matter what happens."
"Bill," she said, squeezing my hand tightly. Her eyes told a story of pain and confusion, and I felt the intensity of her emotions. "I'm sorry," she continued with a soft voice. I kept looking at her, captivated by the depth of her gaze.
"But Elise, you don't have to apologize," I responded, my voice softer than I expected. My heart pounded in my chest, and I tried to understand what was going on in her mind. "Sorry for getting so angry about you kissing another girl. I have no right to be angry about that. We're not a couple, and I shouldn't expect you to put your love life on hold until I'm gone."
"Elise," I began, my thoughts a jumble of words I couldn't speak. "Elise," I eventually said back, "what I did was just not okay. You had every right to be mad at me. I'm sorry, for what happened, but also for pressuring you to say that you love me."
My gaze avoided hers, my eyes fixated on an imaginary point on the ground. She gently took hold of my chin, forcing me to look into her beautiful eyes.

The room was filled with tense silence as we stared at each other. Elise, with her eyes full of emotion, seemed to have something on the tip of her tongue. She searched for the right words, and I could feel the intensity of her feelings.
"Bill," she began softly, her voice trembling with emotion, "there's something I need to tell you." Her gaze avoided mine and fell to the floor, as if she needed to gather the strength to speak her words. I waited in silence, the tension between us palpable.
"The night of the award show," she finally said, her voice almost a whisper, "I went to your room. I wanted to tell you that I love you."
My heart seemed to skip a beat. The words echoed in my head. She loved me, not in a friendly way, but in the way my heart had longed for all this time. The spark I felt, the connection we shared, it wasn't just my imagination. It was real, genuine, and mutual.
Her eyes showed a hint of pain as she continued, "But then I saw the pictures on the internet. The images of you with that other girl." She hesitated for a moment, as if the memory was hitting her again. "My heart broke, Bill. I didn't understand what was happening. I thought that..." Her voice trembled, and I could see the pain in her eyes.
I reached for her hand gently and placed mine on it. "Elise," I whispered, "I'm sorry. Those kisses meant nothing. It's not what it seems."
She looked at me, her eyes searching for the sincerity of my words. "Bill, I love you," she said then, with a vulnerability that melted my heart. It was like a confirmation of everything I had hoped for. I could hardly contain my happiness. "And I love you," I replied, my voice soaked with sincerity.

The space between us seemed to pulse with electricity as Elise and I looked at each other. Her eyes spoke volumes, filled with love and desire. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, a symphony of emotions bringing us closer.
Slowly, Elise rested her hands on my cheeks, her touch gentle as a breeze. I instinctively responded by placing my hands on her hips, deepening the physical connection between us. The tension between our bodies grew, like a melodious build-up to the long-awaited crescendo.
I felt her soft breath against my lips as she drew near. Her perfume, a subtle mix of flowers and warmth, filled my senses and heightened the intensity of the moment. Her hand slid hesitantly to my cheek, her touch as soft as a summer breeze.
Then, our lips touched. It started as a tender touch, a cautious exploration of the emotions playing between us. Her lips were soft and warm, and I felt a wave of excitement bubbling up from deep within me.
The kiss deepened, and the world around us blurred into a vague background. My hand found hers, fingers entwined like a promise of connection. Her other hand rested on my chest, palpable in its gentle touch and the accelerated rhythm of our intertwining heartbeats.
Our lips danced in harmony, an intimate interplay of love and desire. The taste of her lips was sweet, like a rare nectar invoking the sweetest melodies in my soul. Each moment of the kiss seemed to last an eternity, and yet it was as if time itself momentarily stopped to witness this undeniable connection.
Her tongue met mine, a tender embrace of entwined emotions. The passion between us grew, a fiery blaze that burned away all doubts and uncertainties. In that kiss, no words were needed; it was a whisper of love that reached deeper than any language could describe.
Eventually, we broke the kiss, our breaths hurried, and I quietly opened my eyes to look into hers. But my eyes widened in amazement. "Elise?"

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