102. Happy Ending?

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The door creaked softly as I opened it, and before me appeared Elise from the other world, like an unexpected apparition that made my heart skip a beat. "Elise!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a mixture of joy and astonishment. My eyes lit up at the sight of her familiar face, and a smile spontaneously formed on my lips.
Her presence seemed almost magical, like a manifestation from a dream that blurred the boundaries between reality and illusion. "Bill!" her voice rang out, infused with surprise and joy. A mixture of emotions overwhelmed me, and without thinking, without knowing what would happen, I approached her. The distance between us seemed to fade, and I held her tightly, lifting her as if gravity had no hold on us. It felt like an unreal moment, as if time stood still while I embraced her.
Our eyes met, and there was an unmistakable recognition, a connection that defied description. I gently set her back on the ground, but the intensity of the moment lingered. Her eyes radiated with a familiar warmth, and my heartbeat quickened as we locked gazes.
"Elise," I repeated, as if still unable to believe it. Her presence filled the space with a warmth that had been absent for a long time. It was as if a missing puzzle piece fell into place, and I felt more complete with her by my side. The space between us filled with an electric tension, a charged silence begging to be broken.
The air quivered with the unexpected tension hanging between us. My heart pounded wildly in my chest, almost as if it was trying to find a rhythm in sync with the moment. Elise and I stood there, eye to eye, like two lost souls finding each other again after a long time. "You have no idea how much I've missed you," I whispered, still holding her tightly. Time seemed to stand still as we stood there, lost in the joy of each other's company.

While still holding her after the joyful greeting, I felt a gentle breeze from her breath against my face. Her eyes, filled with deep emotion, stared intensely into mine. There was an invisible force drawing us toward each other, as if the universe itself was involved in this intimate scene. The sparkle in her eyes confirmed what my heart already knew—this was the Elise I had missed.
In a slow, deliberate movement, I brought my face closer to hers. Elise's lips were barely a breath away from mine, and I could feel the warmth vibrating between us. Time seemed to freeze, and each second became an eternity as we both approached the threshold of the unknown.
And then, with an almost imperceptible motion, our lips touched for the first time. It was a tender, exploratory contact that sent a wave of emotions through my entire being. Her lips were soft, like a whisper of forgotten desires coming back to life.
The kiss had something magical, something that reached deeper than the physical touch. It was a fusion of past and present, of lost moments suddenly coming alive again. I felt the gentleness of her mouth against mine, the subtle taste evoking memories of days we had spent together.
Our surroundings faded further as the kiss intensified. It was as if we were dancing on the border of what was and what could be. My hands found their way to her face, cherishing the tenderness of the moment. And amid the breaths, a whisper of hope, of reawakened desire, emerged.
Ultimately, when the kiss ended, there was a moment of silence as our gazes held each other. The air still trembled with the enchantment we had woven together.
As we continued to gaze at each other, I heard Alissa shouting in the distance. However, her voice seemed muted, like a distant echo that couldn't grasp my attention. The enchantment of the moment with Elise held me firmly in its grasp, making her words sound like whispers lost in the background.
The world around us seemed muted, and my attention was entirely captivated by the woman before me.
Suddenly, like an unexpected thunderclap, the sharp tones of Alissa's voice broke the magical silence. Her screams penetrated my awareness, but I was so ensnared by the moment with Elise that her words seemed to have no meaning.
However, I was eventually pulled out of the enchantment, as if awakened from a dream. Two powerful hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me away from Elise. A confused blink of my eyes brought me back to the present, where I saw Tom standing in front of me. His eyes shot fire, and his words were sharp arrows coming straight at me.

Tom shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK, Bill! What do you think you're doing? Isn't it bad enough that you had sex with her?" His voice broke through the air like a furious storm, full of indignation and anger.
Alissa took a step forward; her eyes shot fire as she first yelled something incomprehensible, followed by a slap that landed on my face like a sledgehammer. The slap resonated with the sudden harshness of reality. Bewildered, I tried to maintain my balance, while my cheeks burned with pain.
Alissa then turned to Elise, her gaze penetrating with anger. In an instinctive reaction, I placed my arm protectively in front of Elise, knowing that the outburst was far from over. Alissa started screaming at her former friend, and her words cut like knives through the charged atmosphere.
"I thought we were friends!" Alissa roared, her voice saturated with disappointment and bitterness. "I always defended you. But what's this? Tom was right all along. You're just not trustworthy. WHORE!" The last sentence was spat out like a poisoned arrow, infused with the pain of betrayed trust.
Tears rolled down Alissa's cheeks as she turned around, yelling one last "Fuck you" at us and left. My heart seemed to break at the sight of the pain on her face. It felt like a sledgehammer, knowing that I had done this to her.
"Bill," Elise squeaked next to me, her voice soft and infused with fear. I looked at her and saw the reflection of my own guilt and regret in her eyes. Tom was still with us, his gaze full of anger, and the desire to attack Elise was evident. Quickly, I pulled Elise behind me and held Tom back. "Elise," I said, trying my best to keep my voice calm. "I think we need to tell Tom the truth." Elise nodded, her fear clearly visible in her eyes as she cowered behind my protective stance.

Author's note: This is not the final chapter of this book yet.

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