12. Going Back

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Bill looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "So, you just have to go back to sleep, and you'll wake up in your own world?" he asked, as if he still found it hard to believe what I was telling him.
I nodded cautiously. "Yes, that's at least what I found on the internet. It's not a guarantee, but there's a chance it might work."
Bill looked pensive, his face contorted in a frown as he contemplated. "Could it really be that easy?" he eventually asked, with a hint of doubt in his voice.
I shrugged, wondering myself if it could be that simple. "Well, it might not work," I admitted, "but there's a chance to return to your own world according to what I found online."
A frown appeared on Bill's face as he pondered what I said. "But does that mean you won't be here anymore? That we won't see each other again?" he asked with a tinge of disappointment.
A warm smile played on my lips as I tried to put my feelings into words. "Probably not, Bill," I whispered, my eyes locked onto his. "But I want you to know that today has been the best day of my life. I'll remember this day forever, and not as a dream."
His eyes met mine, and there was a moment of intense silence in which we understood each other's feelings. Then I broke the silence with a playful tone, "And cheer up, Bill. Tomorrow you'll see your sweetheart again." My words were filled with a touch of humor but also genuine happiness for him.
As we gazed deeply into each other's eyes, seconds seemed to stand still. Our bond had become so intense in such a short time. But suddenly, we were abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on Bill's hotel room door.

Bill opened the door, and Tom rushed in with a determination that surprised both of us. "Alright, Elise," he began resolutely, "enough is enough. I've tried talking to you, but now it's time for me to talk to Bill."
I looked initially surprised at Tom and quickly composed myself. "Of course, Tom," I replied with a forced smile. "I was planning to go to sleep in my own room anyway."
Bill and I exchanged one last look before I turned to leave the room. It felt bittersweet because, even though I knew I had to return to my own world, I had experienced an unforgettable day with Bill. His smile, his kindness, and the fact that he had made me feel so welcome would always stay with me.
I left the hotel room, leaving Bill and Tom to have their conversation. Back in my room, I looked at my laptop one more time, where the page about reality shifting was still open. Maybe this had all been a dream, a temporary detour into another reality. But whatever happened, I would cherish this day as a precious memory.
I crawled into my hotel bed, closed my eyes, and thought of my mother waiting for me.

As I lay in my hotel bed, sleep continued to elude me. My mind raced with adrenaline still coursing through my body after the amazing performance earlier that night. The day's events, especially the time I had spent with Bill, lingered as vivid memories in my mind.
The clock ticked slowly, but my mind refused to calm down. It was as if my body was still in full performance mode, ready to stand on stage and sing. The excitement and thrill kept me awake, and I lay there, longing for sleep yet fully awake.
I stared at the ceiling, my eyes wide open, trying to quiet the commotion in my head. The thought of returning to my own world loomed like a sword of Damocles, and I wondered what it would be like to step back into my regular life after such an extraordinary day.
Hours seemed to crawl by as I tossed and turned, hoping for peaceful sleep that refused to come. The adrenaline rush from the performance kept me captive, and it felt like my body was still under the spotlight, even though the stage was far away.
Eventually, I decided to get up and have a glass of water, hoping it would help me relax. As I roamed around my hotel room, my thoughts continued to drift back to the unforgettable day I had had, and I could only hope that I would fall asleep soon, cherishing these memories in my dreams.

When I heard a knock on my door and noticed that it was already 3 in the morning, my curiosity was piqued. I walked to the door and peered through the small peephole. To my surprise, I saw Bill standing there, his shoulders and head bowed, wearing an expression of sadness.
My heart started racing as I opened the door and saw Bill standing in the hallway. His eyes met mine, and I saw the sadness in his gaze. Without saying a word, I let him into my hotel room.
Bill entered, and I could see that he was struggling with his emotions. He wrapped his arms around me and began to cry. I didn't know what had happened, but I knew he needed comfort.
I gently stroked his back, trying to reassure him. "Bill, what happened? Why are you here?"

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now