94. Oh Boy, that went wrong..

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With a pounding head, I woke up in a hotel room, surrounded by a vague haze from the previous night. My body protested with every movement, and the realization that I wasn't in my own room slowly dawned on me. "Why do I always have to drink so much?" I muttered, trying to gather my thoughts.
Then, my gaze fell on the figure next to me. She lay with her back turned to me, her skin exposed to the soft morning light seeping through the curtains. Curiosity overcame the throbbing pain in my head, and I stared at her for a moment, hoping my memory would tell me what had happened. It took a while to sink in, but there lay Elise, in all her glory. My heart skipped a beat, but that was quickly overshadowed by an uncomfortable feeling.
Suddenly, I became aware of my own nudity and quickly glanced under the sheet to confirm my observation. A mixture of surprise and confusion overwhelmed me. What exactly had happened? Where had I ended up? How did Elise get here? The pieces of the evening slowly began to fall into place, but there were still many gaps to fill.
I recalled fragments of a party, champagne flowing abundantly, and Elise dragging me onto the dance floor. The lights, the music, the laughter – everything merged into a vague memory. What I couldn't figure out was how we ended up here, alone in this hotel room.
I stared at Elise, still peacefully sleeping beside me. Her flowing hair spread like a soft veil over the pillow, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by her. A faint smile played on her lips, as if she were dreaming of something beautiful. As I watched her, I tried to remember how we ended up here.
My gaze wandered around the hotel room, and there were traces everywhere of a tumultuous night. My suit hung casually over a chair, next to Elise's dazzling red glitter dress, which lay like a work of art on the floor. A bottle of champagne lay on its side on a table, a silent witness to the festivities that had taken place here.

With my arm around Elise, we walked together to the hotel where she stayed this night. Despite the soft glow of the street lamps, everything felt a bit distorted, as if the world were dancing to the rhythm of the night. At this point, another drink didn't seem to make a difference, I thought to myself.
We stumbled through the streets together, laughing occasionally at something undoubtedly funny at that moment. Fortunately, we quickly reached the hotel, where the warm lobby greeted us. Once in the hotel room, our attention was immediately drawn to a bottle of champagne, ready to be uncorked, with two glasses and strawberries invitingly waiting for us. "Bill, will you open this?" Elise asked, as she flopped onto the bed with a playful gleam in her eyes. I smiled and nodded. I walked to the champagne bottle and started to uncork it with a soft pop. The bubbly liquid sprayed a bit over the bottle's edge, making both of us laugh. With skill, I poured the glasses full, making sure the strawberries rested at the bottom of each glass as a sweet surprise.
So, I poured the sparkling liquid into the glasses, and as I did, I couldn't help but look at Elise. Her eyes still radiated with the same liveliness as during the gala.
I sat next to her on the bed and handed her a glass. "To an unforgettable evening," I said with a smile as I clinked my glass against hers. The bubbles of the champagne filled the room as we both took a sip.
Elise looked at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Thank you for making this evening even more special, Bill," she said with genuine gratitude in her voice. The question that followed cut through the festive atmosphere. "Wouldn't you rather have done this with Alissa?" She spoke the words calmly, but there was an intense curiosity in her gaze.
My eyes instinctively sought the floor, and a sigh escaped unnoticed. However, Elise, not letting me off the hook, grabbed my arm, forced me to look at her, and said, "Hey, Bill. Why do you freeze every time I mention Alissa? That was already the case at the gala."
I hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "It's not that I'm not enjoying tonight, Elise. You're great company, and I value our friendship. But..." My voice faltered for a moment, and I swallowed hard. "Alissa is just... different."
Elise furrowed her eyebrows, waiting for more explanation. I took a deep breath and continued, "I started dating Alissa, yes. She's sweet, understanding, and I appreciate her company. But there's a part of me that will always long for... something I thought I had, something that couldn't be."
The room fell silent as Elise pondered my words. Her hand slid from my arm, and she leaned back, her gaze fixed on the sparkling lights of the city outside the window. "You mean the other Elise, don't you?" she finally asked, her voice softer.
I nodded in confirmation. "Yes, the other Elise. Sometimes it feels like I'm living in two worlds, and Alissa stands by my side in this reality, but there's always that longing, that memory of something I lost."

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant