52. Cooking together

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Simone placed the ladyfingers in a bowl of strong coffee on the countertop. As I retrieved a mixer and a bowl from the cabinet, I asked, "Simone, what's the secret to a perfect Tiramisu?"
Simone laughed as she began separating the egg yolks from the whites. "Well," she began, "the most important thing is to use fresh ingredients. Fresh eggs, good coffee, and real mascarpone cheese truly make a difference. But the secret ingredient is love!"
I smiled as I added sugar and mascarpone cheese to the yolks. "I can see there's a lot of love in this house," I said.
Simone nodded approvingly and started beating the egg whites until stiff peaks formed.
I gently folded the mascarpone mixture and the egg whites together, adding a pinch of cocoa for the finishing touch.
While Simone and I were busy making the Tiramisu, I suddenly heard footsteps on the stairs. Tom entered the kitchen with sleepy eyes, dressed in a loose sweater and sweatpants. He looked drowsy and immediately asked, "Is Bill downstairs already?"
I looked up and smiled. "No, I think Bill is still asleep," I replied.
Tom sighed. "Hmm, then I'm lost," he mumbled. "Good morning, by the way!" I greeted him with a smile.
Simone turned from the countertop where she was working and said in a warm voice, "Good morning, Tom. Shall I prepare breakfast for you?"
Tom stretched and yawned before replying with a still-sleepy smile, "Sounds lovely!"
Simone carefully prepared breakfast for Tom. She placed a plate in front of him with freshly toasted bread that was still wonderfully warm. She adorned the plate with various toppings, such as cheese, ham, and jam, and added a few slices of juicy orange as a garnish. She poured the glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with loving attention and placed it next to the plate.
As she arranged all this, she looked at me with a smile that showed how much she enjoyed taking care of her family. It was evident that Simone was a warm and caring mother.
Tom sat at the breakfast table, his eyes alternating between his breakfast and us working in the kitchen. He took a sip of the fresh orange juice and nodded in satisfaction. Leaning back in his chair, he said, "It's great not to get catering or hotel breakfast for once."
While Tom enjoyed his breakfast, he curiously asked what we were up to. Simone beamed with enthusiasm and explained, "Elise suggested cooking for us, and we're currently making Tiramisu."
Tom's eyes lit up at the mention of 'Tiramisu,' and a broad smile appeared on his face. "Tiramisu? Seriously? That's my favorite dessert!"
Simone winked at me, and I carefully placed the bowl of Tiramisu in the refrigerator. While doing this, Tom had finished his breakfast and stood up. He walked to the kitchen, placed his plate in the sink, and then headed to the living room.
Not two minutes later, we heard the soft strumming of a guitar, and Simone looked concernedly in my direction. "Tom, please, don't work on your days off," she called towards the living room. But Tom paid no attention and continued playing.

While Tom played the guitar in the living room, the other set of footsteps on the stairs sounded like a gentle, sleepy symphony, indicating that the morning was slowly transitioning into the afternoon. I glanced at the vintage clock on the wall and realized it was already half past two in the afternoon. So Simone was right about the boys enjoying sleeping in when they were home.
Bill, still a bit sleepy but with a warm smile on his face, greeted us. "Good morning," he mumbled. I approached him and gave him a gentle hug. "Good morning, Bill," I smiled. He stretched and let out a satisfied sigh.
Simone began setting up breakfast for Bill, and he sat at the kitchen table. "Did you sleep well?" Simone asked her son as she placed a plate with freshly baked bread and toppings in front of him.
Bill rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, I slept really well," he replied with a genuine smile.
Simone stood at the countertop and poured coffee with loving attention for Bill and me. The warm, familiar aromas of freshly baked bread and coffee filled the kitchen as I sat next to Bill.
Tom entered the kitchen with his typical nonchalant demeanor, greeted his brother with a subtle nod, and chose a spot across the table. Bill, clad in a casual outfit, had already taken a bite of the freshly baked bread. Tom, on the other side of the table, didn't hesitate to grab a piece of bread from Bill's plate, eliciting a mild protest from his twin brother, although a playful smile gleamed in his eyes.
While Bill directed his attention to me, he asked with interest, "Did you sleep well, Elise?" I nodded with a sincere smile and replied, "Yes, wonderfully. And I've been busy cooking for you guys." As I took another sip of my coffee, Simone said, "She's really a sweetheart, this Elise." Bill nodded in agreement.
Bill continued to look at me as he asked, "What did you prepare?" I felt my heart skip a beat with his lingering gaze. I was momentarily lost in his eyes, but Tom answered for me, "Tiramisu." I immediately caught on to what was happening and laughed, "Yes, Tiramisu. And in a little while, I'm going to make a vegetarian lasagna." Bill responded excitedly, "Oh, sounds delicious."
Tom, clearly brimming with inspiration, turned to his twin brother and said, "Hey, Bill, I just got an idea for a new song." He was enthusiastic about his own creativity, and I saw his eyes sparkle.
Bill, intrigued, asked, "The one you were playing just now?" But before Tom could answer, Simone interjected between the two. "Boys, you know how I feel about working on your days off."
The boys completely ignored their mother, and Tom jumped up from his chair. "Come on, I'll let you hear what I had in mind," he insisted. Bill followed his twin brother to the living room. I laughed and turned to Simone. "Let them be," I said to her with a smile. "It's clear they derive pleasure from making music, even on their days off." Simone sighed and smiled simultaneously. "You're right," she replied. "They're always so passionate about their music. It's hard to stop them."

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