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It was a tremendous relief when Elise finally returned to the hotel at half past nine in the evening, accompanied by Bas. My heart raced as I saw her walking through the lobby, and I could hardly contain my joy. As soon as she entered the lobby, I ran towards her and embraced her tightly. I couldn't help but hold her in my arms.
I gently cupped Elise's face in my hands and looked deeply into her eyes. My voice trembled with emotion as I spoke. "Elise, you have no idea how worried I was. I was so afraid that something had happened to you." My thumbs gently stroked her cheeks as I spoke. "I'm so glad you're back, safe and sound. You mean so much to me."
Elise smiled and placed her hands on mine. "I'm sorry for causing you guys worry, Bill. I left my phone in my hotel room. I was just exploring the city with Bas, and time just flew by."
I gave her a loving smile and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. "The most important thing is that you're here now, and we're together. I don't know what I would do without you."
Elise looked me straight in the eyes and smiled gently. "I'm glad to be here too, Bill," she said softly. "But I never meant to make you worry, and I understand that you were concerned."
I brushed a strand of hair from her face and looked deep into her eyes. "It's okay, Elise. The important thing is that you're safe, and we can enjoy our time together now." I still held her tightly.
Elise had spent a wonderful day in Madrid, enjoying the sights, food, and Bas's company. When they told me about it, I couldn't help but laugh and felt relieved that nothing serious had happened.
"You really had us worried," I teased Elise.
She smiled and playfully hit my arm. "Sorry, Bill, I didn't expect you guys to be so concerned."
Bas joined the conversation and laughed. "We apologize for all the worry, guys. We just wanted to see a bit of Madrid before we go back on tour."
Georg and Gustav laughed along, admitting that they had worried more than necessary. Tom, standing next to me, gave me a teasing punch on the shoulder.
"Well, now that we know she's safe, let's enjoy the rest of the evening," he said with a wink.
David, with his usual calm demeanor, addressed us, "I understand you were worried, and that's understandable given the recent events. But let's consider this as a learning moment. It's important that we all communicate well and keep each other informed to prevent future incidents."
Paul nodded in agreement and added, "Elise is here to build her career and grow as an artist. Let's make sure she feels supported and safe, both on and off the tour."
We appreciated their wise words and promised to watch out for each other and stay informed.
After the warm welcome and Elise's reassurance that everything had gone well, the tension quickly dissipated. The fatigue from a long day began to manifest, but the conversation remained lively.
Bas enthusiastically shared some highlights of their day in Madrid. He described the beautiful architecture they had seen, the tasty tapas they had tried, and the atmosphere in the city streets. It was clear that he and Elise had had a great time.
Elise added, "Bas was a great guide and company. He told me some interesting facts about the city. I didn't know Madrid was so beautiful."
Tom, still feeling a bit concerned about the incident, asked cautiously, "Wasn't it difficult to find your way, especially with the language barrier?"
Elise chuckled softly. "Luckily, Bas speaks a bit of Spanish and could rescue us if we got lost. But honestly, getting lost in such a beautiful city is not even that bad."
Georg, who clearly felt relieved now that Elise had safely returned, winked at Bas and said, "Bas, you're not only a great guitarist but also an excellent guide. Maybe you should consider a career change."
Bas chuckled and thanked for the compliment. The ice was now truly broken.

After the whole ordeal, we all decided to return to our rooms to unwind. Physically and emotionally, this day had demanded a lot from us. When I entered my room, I felt deeply fatigued, as if all the energy had been drained from me.
Elise was still with me in the room, and I wanted to spend some time with her. As I headed towards the bathroom, I turned to her and smiled cautiously.
"Sorry, Elise," I began hesitantly, "I need to freshen up a bit. You can watch some TV or just relax in the meantime." My heart pounded in my throat as I spoke those words. I didn't want her to think I was trying to avoid her, but I also felt that I needed some time alone to sort out my thoughts.
I imagined how it would be if Elise were here with me in the bathroom while I was showering. My feelings for her were confusing, and I wasn't sure how to deal with them.
While the warm water flowed over my body, I tried to organize my thoughts. Elise was an intriguing woman whom I had only recently met, but her presence had made a deep impression on me. I couldn't get her smile out of my head, and her eyes had something magical.

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