15. Will you be gone?

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POV Elise

I was now sitting next to Bill, listening to his story about how he had met the real Elise and how much he admired her. His voice sounded warm and familiar, and I felt at ease beside him. We talked and talked, and time flew by, but fatigue was taking its toll.
I yawned a few times in a row, my eyes beginning to feel heavy. Bill noticed it immediately and smiled. "It's time to get some sleep, Elise," he whispered softly.
I nodded, too tired to protest. He gently lowered me onto the soft mattress, and I immediately felt comfortable and secure. Bill covered me with a blanket and leaned over me. "Goodnight, Elise," he said with a smile before giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I weakly smiled back and closed my eyes. As I stretched and turned on my side again, I could feel Bill by my side. He remained there, probably to ensure I fell asleep safely.
As I woke up and opened my eyes, I immediately felt Bill's gaze on me. His voice quickly followed, "Phew, it's still you!" I smiled lightly as I asked him, "How did you know for sure it was me?"
His answer made me smile. "Your eyes are slightly lighter than those of my Elise," he explained. His remark made me realize how many details he must know about the real Elise, and I strangely felt reassured by his observations.
I was now sitting up in bed, looking around, realizing that I hadn't returned to my own world. My attempt to simply go to sleep to return hadn't worked, it seemed. But my immediate concern was for Bill.
"How are you feeling, Bill?" I asked, and I could see the traces of tiredness in his eyes.
He shrugged and admitted, "Not much sleep, but very hungry."
"Maybe we can have breakfast together," I suggested. "A hearty breakfast can give you some energy after such a long night."
Bill weakly smiled and nodded in agreement. "That sounds good," he said.

Bill and I were downstairs in the hotel with our plates ready to go to the buffet. Suddenly, we saw Tom coming in. He waved at us enthusiastically, but his excitement seemed to wane as memories of the affair with Elise likely resurfaced. As Tom entered, Gustav and Georg followed soon after, greeting each other.
Bill looked at me and said resolutely, "Come on, let's go greet them and make sure this situation doesn't get even more awkward."
Together, we walked to the table where Tom, Gustav, and Georg were already sitting. It felt uncomfortable, knowing what had happened between Bill and Tom, but we had to try to keep the situation under control.
Bill spoke up as we stood in front of the table, his voice clear and determined. "So, guys, I want to share something with you," he began.
Gustav, who didn't know what was going on, looked curiously. "What's going on, Bill?"
Bill took a deep breath and looked at Tom, his gaze filled with reproach. "Tom and Elise slept together the night before last."
A shocked silence fell over the table. Georg stared at Tom with wide eyes, and his mouth hung open. He couldn't hide his disbelief and even gave Tom a punch. "What?" he exclaimed, clearly indignant.
Tom visibly swallowed and stared at his plate. It was clear that he felt uncomfortable due to the revelation. The atmosphere at the table was tense, and no one seemed to know what to say.
Bill sighed and broke the uncomfortable silence hanging over the table. "I don't want to make a fight out of this," he said calmly. "Tom and I have always been there for each other, and that won't change. But I wanted you guys to be aware of what happened."
Tom looked up, still wearing a somber expression on his face. He nodded slowly, as if he understood the gravity of the situation. "I'm sorry, guys," he mumbled.
Georg and Gustav exchanged glances, still seemingly shocked by the news but also understanding that this was a delicate matter. Bill's determination not to start a fight prevented the situation from escalating further at the breakfast table.
During breakfast, Georg looked at Bill and asked curiously, "So, Bill, how do you feel about Elise now?"
Bill sighed and shook his head. "I don't know, Georg. It's all so confusing."
Breakfast continued in a tense atmosphere. Tom, Georg, and Gustav were quieter than usual, and Bill didn't seem to say much either. It was clear that the news had shocked them, and no one really knew how to deal with it.
Bill broke the silence by bringing up a different topic, and slowly, the tension at the table started to ease. They began talking about the upcoming performance, cracking jokes, and exchanging their usual banter.
After breakfast, we all returned to their hotel rooms to get ready for the day. Bill and I packed our things, knowing that today would involve a long day on the tour bus to travel to the next location. While we packed, I told Bill, "Breakfast was a bit uncomfortable, Bill."
Bill nodded in agreement. "Yes, it definitely was. Let's hope the atmosphere becomes a bit more normal soon."
Together, we headed to the tour bus, not knowing what the day would bring but determined to make the best of it.

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