31. Fight

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POV Bill

While I was eating, I looked at Elise and curiously asked about her day. She began enthusiastically telling me about the photos she had taken during her day in Madrid. Her eyes lit up as she spoke, and it was clear that she had a fantastic time.
Elise smiled widely and proudly pulled out her camera. "It was amazing! I took so many beautiful photos. Look at these," she said, showing me some of her pictures. Initially, it was enjoyable to see her enthusiasm and admire the beautiful images she had captured. But over time, I started to feel a bit jealous. Elise had spent the entire day with Bas, and although I knew they were just friends, I couldn't help a wave of jealousy washing over me. I couldn't help it; I wanted her to myself.
"That does look amazing," I replied, my voice slightly less cheerful than I intended. Elise immediately noticed the change in my mood and looked at me with concern. "Is something wrong, Bill?"
I sighed deeply and decided to be honest, even though I knew it could lead to a confrontation. "It's just that you spent the whole day with Bas," I admitted. Elise furrowed her brows, and her eyes shot fire. "Bill," she began in a determined tone, "you have to understand that I don't have to share everything with you or always be with you. We both have our own lives and need space."
My own frustration came out in my words as I angrily retorted to Elise, "And you know what, Elise? I was freaked out today when you disappeared without a trace. I was worried about you, and then you come in here and act like it's nothing!"
Elise looked at me with wide eyes, but her anger hadn't disappeared. "That doesn't mean you can just claim me, Bill. We have our own lives and friends."
I looked at Elise in surprise, her words echoing in my head. "And since when are you hanging out with Bas? You can't stand him," I asked, still a bit irritated.
Elise sighed and rolled her eyes. "Your Elise can't stand him, Bill. I think he's great. He's nice, funny, and we just had a good time today."
I felt my own frustration increasing, and I responded a bit more sharply than I intended. "Well, if you'd rather be with Bas, why are you here with me? Maybe you should go sleep with him."
Elise's eyes shot fire, and she stood up. "Fine, Bill. Maybe that's indeed a good idea."
She left the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving me alone, frustrated about the argument I had caused.

In my hotel room, I sat alone for a while, staring at the walls. The frustration from earlier had turned into a feeling of regret and guilt. I knew I had reacted too harshly to Elise, and it gnawed at me.
As I sat on the bed, I let my thoughts wander to what had happened. I had made Elise aware that I was jealous that she had spent the whole day with Bas. But, in reality, I was just frustrated that I could never casually explore a city with her like she could. My fame simply didn't allow that. And that realization made me even more frustrated.
I realized that I needed to apologize to Elise. It wasn't the way I wanted our friendship to develop. But for now, I couldn't just sit alone in this hotel room. I had to do something, so I decided to go to Tom's room. He had always been the one to understand me and lift my spirits when I felt down.

I knocked on Tom's door, and he opened it with a surprised look. Georg was sitting at the edge of the bed, and a football match was playing on the television.
"Hey, Bill," Tom greeted me as he let me in. "Come join us. We're watching the football match."
I smiled and took a seat on a chair, while Georg immediately offered me a beer. I took it gratefully and took a sip as I prepared to tell my story.
"Guys," I began, "I just had a fight with Elise." My brother and Georg looked at me with genuine concern.
Georg was the first to react. "What was it about?" he asked.
"It all started so well," I began, taking a sip of my beer. "She spent the whole day with Bas and took all these amazing photos. I guess I was just a little jealous."
Tom and Georg looked at me attentively, their expressions full of understanding.
"But then we started arguing," I continued. "She said she didn't have to do everything with me, and I reacted way too harshly. I only realized later that I'm actually just frustrated because I can never casually explore a city with her like she can. Our fame just doesn't allow it."
Georg, always straightforward, immediately responded. "But you're allowed to be jealous. She cheated on you, man." And he glanced a bit sideways at Tom. Tom turned bright red, "Georg is right," he added. "She's not trustworthy." I sighed deeply and took another sip of my beer; I knew they were still talking about the other Elise.
"But nowadays, she's trying really hard," Georg observed.
"I want to make things right with Elise," I said finally. "But I don't know how. I just need some advice or support right now, I guess."
Tom smiled and put an arm around me. "Don't worry, Bill. We all understand how difficult it can be sometimes. Maybe you just need to talk to Elise and apologize. She'll probably understand."
Georg nodded in agreement. "And if you want, we can help you plan something nice for both of you. Maybe a day out during a free day on the tour."
I felt relieved by their understanding and support. "Thank you, guys," I said with a smile. "You're truly the best brothers a guy could wish for."
We opened the beer cans and went back to watching the football match. It felt good to relax for a while and enjoy each other's company. The guy talk, the laughter, and the cheers for goals filled the room as we immersed ourselves in the sport.

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