80. Back in my world

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POV Elise

Quietly, I released Bill's lips and opened my eyes. But to my great astonishment, I wasn't standing directly in front of Bill; instead, I was facing a poster of Bill in my own room. It took a second for me to realize that I was back in my own world. Reality slowly seeped in, and I stared in disbelief at the familiar surroundings of my room. The warm glow of the lamps, the familiar furniture, and the sounds of daily life outside my door confirmed that I was no longer in that other world. My heart pounded in my throat as I looked around, my breathing quickened by the sudden transition between realities. I walked to the window and gazed outside, as if seeking confirmation. The streets, the buildings, everything was as it should be. Yet, it felt as if I were awakening from an intense dream, a dream that had felt more than real. But the memories were vivid and clear, as if I had truly lived another life. My heart pounded in my throat, and I realized that I was back in my own reality. How was this possible? I stood up and walked to the mirror in my room. My own reflection stared back at me, and I saw the confusion in my eyes. How could I have lived a completely different life in another world and suddenly be back here? A wave of emotions overwhelmed me, from confusion to relief. I reached out to the poster of Bill and touched his image, as if I needed to confirm that everything was real.

With cautious steps, I descended the stairs to the living room where my mother was. The desire to see her surpassed my own confusion about the recent events. My footsteps echoed softly on the stairs as I wondered how my mother would be. I opened the door to the living room, and there she was, my mother, on the couch. Her gaze was fixed on something in front of her, and she had a sad look in her eyes. But when I entered, she looked up, and our eyes met. A smile appeared on her face, a smile that seemed to be a mixture of relief and joy. I ran to her and hugged her tightly. After a while, I let her go and looked at her with concern. "What happened? Why do you look so sad?" I asked, my heart pounding in my throat. My mother sighed deeply and took my hands in hers. "I'm sorry, dear. I didn't want to worry you. It's just... a lot of things have been happening lately, and it's been a bit overwhelming." I furrowed my brow and sat next to her on the couch. "Please tell me what's going on. You don't have to carry everything alone, Mom." She sighed. "It's nothing, sweetheart, don't worry. I'm just glad you're back." Confusion filled my thoughts. Back? Back from where? Did she realize that I wasn't present in this world? "You were gone, Elise. No one knew where you were. We were worried."

I listened attentively to my mother as she recounted my own behavior during the period I had been away. It felt like a strange story that didn't match my memories. She described an Elise that I recognized from the other world, someone who behaved differently than I could imagine. "You acted so strangely at first," my mother began. "From one day to the next, you seemed completely changed. You quit your job, refused to go to the food bank. In short, I didn't recognize you anymore." She sighed, her gaze fixed on a point in the distance as she continued her narrative. "And then you were gone. Yesterday evening, you suddenly appeared back home, but you still behaved so differently." Her voice sounded concerned and loving at the same time. I swallowed, trying to piece together the puzzle of my absence and change in behavior. It was hard to believe that she, without me being able to do anything about it, had turned my life upside down. My mother's story sounded like a strange dream. "I don't remember anything you're telling me," I said cautiously. "It's as if I was in another world." My mother looked at me with a mix of concern and understanding. "Maybe you were, sweetheart. But now you're here, and that's all that matters."

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now