27. Where are you?

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After the break, we continued with some obligations, and fatigue was really setting in. It felt like an endless day filled with interviews and TV recordings. Finally, it was time to wrap up, and we gathered at the exit where our tour bus was already waiting for us. Everyone was exhausted after this long and tiring day.
Once in the tour bus, Gustav, Georg, Tom, and I sat together in the common area. Gustav leaned back tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "I really need a good night's sleep tonight."
Tom nodded in agreement. "Yeah, this day was quite exhausting. But I think it was worth it."
"I'm thinking of having dinner with Elise at our hotel after dinner," I said to the guys. "It would be nice to spend some quality time with her after this busy day."
Georg nodded approvingly. "Sounds like a good plan, Bill. We're probably going to watch a football match after dinner, right Tom? Have fun together!"
Tom added, "Yeah, enjoy it, Bill. And if you want, you can always come watch football with us afterward!" But that wasn't something I was particularly looking forward to.
The prospect of some quality time with Elise after all the work was exactly what I needed. As we headed to the hotel, I began making plans for the evening, glad that I would finally see her again.

We were warmly welcomed at the hotel. After checking in, I decided to immediately reserve a table at the restaurant for our dinner. It seemed like a great way to end the day and spend some time with Elise.
With my luggage in hand, I walked to my hotel room, which was next to Elise's. I couldn't help but smile at the news. It seemed like fate wanted to keep us together, even during this busy tour. After placing my things in my room, I got ready for dinner, looking forward to a cozy evening with Elise.
I continued to knock on Elise's door, my worries growing with every second of no response. Then I suddenly heard footsteps approaching, and the chambermaid appeared in the hallway. Her eyes widened with surprise when she saw me.
"Bill Kaulitz?" she stammered as her face turned red with excitement.
"Yes, that's me," I replied with a smile. "I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I'm concerned about my girlfriend, Elise. She's not responding to my knocks, and I hear nothing inside. Could you help me open her room?"
The girl nodded, her excitement clearly mixed with nervousness. She quickly took out her notepad and asked for my signature, which I gladly gave. Then she carefully opened Elise's room door.
When we saw the empty room, a wave of concern hit me. I looked at the chambermaid and asked with a certain urgency in my voice, "Do you have any idea where Elise might have gone? Has anything unusual happened?"
The girl shook her head, still a bit overwhelmed by the situation. "I just started working here, and I haven't seen her before. I really don't know where she could be."
I nodded understandingly and decided to act quickly. "Thank you for your help. I'm going to alert the rest of the crew. We need to find Elise, and we need to do it now."
With those words, I hurried down the hallway, looking for the others, as my thoughts raced, and concern continued to overwhelm me.
When Tom opened the door, and I saw that he and Georg were enjoying room service and watching football, I realized I was about to interrupt their relaxed atmosphere with disturbing news. However, my concern for Elise left me no choice.
Tom and Georg immediately looked up from their food and the football match when I told them Elise wasn't in her room. Panic and concern appeared on their faces.
"What do you mean she's not in her room?" Tom asked with a frown.
I took a deep breath to keep my own concern in check and explained, "I went to her room to invite her to dinner, but she didn't respond to my knocks. Then I asked a chambermaid to open her room, but it was empty. There's no trace of her."
Tom and Georg exchanged a look of unease, and Tom got up from his chair immediately. "We need to find her, right now."
They turned off the TV and left their food untouched. We all quickly started walking down the hallway, calling out to Elise and knocking on Gustav's door. But he hadn't seen her either and was immediately ready to help search.
"Maybe she went out for a walk or something," Georg suggested, but his face betrayed his own concern.
"We need to act quickly," Tom said determinedly. "Let's ask the hotel staff if they've seen her. And let's inform security."
As we rushed to the reception, the fear in my chest grew. Elise was missing, and no one knew where she was. We had to find her, and we had to do it as soon as possible.

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang