14. My Elise

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I stood in front of Elise's hotel room door, my heart pounding in my chest. My emotions were a jumbled mess, and I didn't know where to turn. To my surprise, Elise opened the door and looked at me with concern in her eyes. Without a word, she let me into her hotel room. Her kind gesture offered a glimmer of comfort, but my emotions were still overwhelming.
I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her and let my tears flow. Everything that had happened, the conversation with Tom, the confusion about who I was and where I belonged, it all overwhelmed me. Elise gently stroked my back, trying to calm me, her concern evident in her touch.
"Bill, what happened? Why are you here?" she asked in a reassuring tone. Her voice reached deep into my soul, and I felt heard without having to explain everything.
I tried to regain control of my sobs before responding. "Elise, it's all such a mess," I whispered. My voice trembled as I continued, "She cheated on me." I saw Elise's shock and concern in her eyes. The thought of what had happened between Tom and Elise was like a dagger to my heart. I felt like my entire world had crumbled, and I had no one to talk to except Elise.
"Oh, Bill, you can't be serious," Elise said, still surprised. She gestured to the bed, and I sank onto it, still overwhelmed by emotions. Elise took a seat across from me and looked at me with determination.
"Tell me everything, Bill," she encouraged me. Her soft voice and concerned eyes gave me the courage to finally let it all out. I began to tell her about what had happened, about the confrontation with Tom and the fact that he had slept with Elise. It felt like a relief to share it with someone, especially with this Elise, whom I had only just met but who had quickly found a special place in my heart.
As I spoke, I felt the tension and pain slowly releasing. Elise listened attentively and offered words of encouragement from time to time. It was a relief to share my worries and sorrows with her, and I realized that I was glad she was here, even if it was only for a little while.
While I told my story, Elise held my hand and provided support by gently squeezing it. Her presence and understanding meant a lot to me. "I don't know what to say, Bill," she said with compassion in her eyes. "How do you feel about Tom?" she asked.
I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "Tom is my twin brother," I replied sincerely. "I can't just do without him. We've always done everything together, and I know we'll get through this. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm hurt, Elise."
She listened empathetically and then asked, "And what are you going to do when the real Elise is back?"
I hadn't really thought about that yet. "I don't know," I admitted honestly.
"And that's perfectly okay, Bill," Elise reassured me. "But I really don't understand how she could do something like that. Doesn't she realize how valuable you are?"
Her words touched me deeply, and I felt a little better. "Anyway," she continued, "How did you actually get to know her?"

I remember that meeting with Elise as if it were yesterday. It was last year, and we were busy with preparations for our Zimmer Tour with Tokio Hotel. We were holding auditions for the opening act, and on that particular day, Elise walked into the room and changed my whole world.
While I stood backstage, discussing the final details with our crew, I heard the soft strains of a guitar and a velvety voice floating through the hallways. My curiosity got the better of my to-do list, and I decided to find the source of that beautiful music.
When I turned the corner, I saw her standing there, Elise. She was playing the guitar and singing with so much passion that I was immediately captivated. Her eyes met mine, and there was a moment of pure magic in which time seemed to stand still. It felt as if the universe had brought us together in that moment.
I walked slowly towards her and introduced myself. Her smile was so radiant that it seemed like the sun itself was present. She told me she was here to audition for the opening act, and I was immediately impressed by her determination and talent.
We started talking, and it felt like we had been friends for years. Her love for music and the passion with which she spoke touched my soul. And I couldn't deny that there was something more, something deeper than just friendship.
As the auditions began, I couldn't get Elise out of my mind. Her performance was breathtaking, and I knew immediately that she would be perfect for the opening act.
I pushed the management to choose her, and thankfully, they listened to me. She not only had the talent but also the dedication and determination to make it in this industry. I'm so glad we chose her for the tour. The joy in her eyes was indescribable, and I couldn't help but embrace her gently. It felt like a warm embrace from fate itself, as if we were destined to meet on that sunny day.

"From that moment on, our journey together began. Elise not only became the opening act for our tour but also the person who captured my heart."
"And as we got to know her better," Bill continued, "we discovered that she was not only an amazing singer but also had an incredibly strong and mature personality. She knew what she wanted to achieve and worked hard for it. That sometimes brought some friction with the other guys, but I couldn't help but respect her determination."

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