32. Breakfast

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POV Elise

While I lay there in the darkness of my hotel room, seconds turned into hours, and the hours seemed endless. My thoughts circled like an infinite whirlpool, trapped in a spiral of self-doubt and worries. The soft hum of the air conditioning filled the room, but my mind was anything but quiet.
I realized I had overreacted to his jealousy. In his eyes, I resembled his girlfriend who had also betrayed him, so it was understandable that he had become a bit jealous.
I couldn't help but relive every exchange with Bill. His accusing look, my snappy response, it all felt like foolishness. We had such precious time together on this tour, and now I had almost ruined it with my impulsive behavior.
In my reflections, I realized that this pattern of mine repeated every time I had a fight with someone important to me. I withdrew, shut myself off from the world, and analyzed every sentence, every gesture, every word exchanged. It was like a built-in defense mechanism, a way to protect myself from the pain of confrontation and conflict.
But this time felt different. This time, I realized I couldn't keep running away. We had so little time left together before I returned to my world, and I didn't want to waste it on silence and distance. No, I needed to find the courage to apologize and mend the bond with Bill before it was too late.
The clock ticked ruthlessly, and I felt fatigue slowly taking over my body. My eyes felt heavy, but my thoughts refused to quiet down. What could I do to rectify this situation?
Eventually, after what seemed like an endless night of self-reflection and doubt, I fell into a restless sleep, my mind still busy crafting the right words to bridge the gap between Bill and me.

I decided to dress neatly for breakfast in the morning, as a gesture of goodwill to make amends with Bill. My outfit consisted of a simple yet stylish black dress that reached just above the knees. The dress had a light, elegant texture and complemented my body well. I wore black ballet flats, comfortable enough to get through the day. To complete the look, I chose a pair of silver earrings and a subtle silver bracelet.
I wanted to look put together but not overdone, and my makeup was subtle. Light foundation, a touch of mascara, and a soft lip color completed my look. I wore my hair loose and wavy, giving off a relaxed vibe.
With this outfit, I felt confident enough to go to breakfast and apologize to Bill, hoping we could resolve the disagreement.

I looked around the breakfast buffet, but Bill was nowhere to be found. However, I did see Gustav sitting at a table, enjoying his breakfast. He noticed me and gestured for me to join him, so I walked over and greeted him with a smile.
"Good morning, Gustav," I said as I sat across from him. "Have you seen Bill anywhere?"
Gustav calmly scooped some scrambled eggs onto his plate and took a sip of his coffee before answering. "Don't worry, Elise. The twins are probably still asleep. They always come out of bed at the last moment." He looked around and frowned. "But I am surprised that Georg is nowhere to be seen."
I looked at Gustav and smiled nervously. "Sorry again for last night, Gustav. I really worried everyone." Gustav took another sip of his coffee and set his cup down before responding. "No worries, Elise. Bill was quite upset yesterday, but that's just how he is. He can be a bit overprotective, especially when it comes to you."
I nodded understandingly. "Yes, I get it. It was all a misunderstanding. I'll talk to Bill later to sort it out." Gustav looked at me with concern and asked, "Did you guys have a fight?" I sighed lightly and nodded. "Yes, we had a little argument last night. Bill seemed quite jealous, and I might have reacted a bit too strongly."
Gustav nodded understandingly. "That's typical Bill; he can sometimes overreact. But I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. It's just that he cares a lot about you."
I smiled gratefully. "It's a shame we couldn't resolve the argument last night."
"Sometimes these things happen," he said. "But I'm sure you'll work it out. Bill can be a bit impulsive sometimes, but he's a good guy."
I took a sip of my coffee. "Thank you, Gustav. I hope we can sort it out soon." Gustav smiled reassuringly. "Talking it out is a good idea. Bill is a sweet guy, but sometimes he just needs some time to cool off. And don't worry; we're all glad to have you here."
I smiled shyly at Gustav's words and felt relieved that he was understanding. "Thank you, Guus. It means a lot to me to be here." Gustav took another sip of his coffee and looked at me thoughtfully. "To be honest, Elise," he began, "a week ago, I didn't really have a positive impression of you. But now that I've gotten to know you better, I've certainly revised my thoughts about you. You're a really cool girl."
I pondered for a moment and decided to ask Gustav why he had a negative impression of this world's Elise. "May I ask why you had a negative impression of me?" I asked curiously.

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