101. Unexpected visitor

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The day flew by as Tom and I were engrossed in gaming on the PlayStation. The virtual world absorbed our attention, allowing us a brief escape from reality. Suddenly, we were startled by the shrill sound of the doorbell echoing from downstairs.
Tom gave me a meaningful look and whispered, "Please act surprised, okay?" Simone, our mother, called from downstairs, "Tom, Bill, could one of you open the door? I'm busy cooking." As we descended the stairs, Tom told me that Simone was part of a conspiracy.
With slight hesitation, I opened the door, and there stood Alissa, radiant and full of enthusiasm. She had clearly put effort into this unexpected meeting. My heart sank for a moment, knowing I had to let her in amid this complicated situation.
"Surprise!" she cheerfully announced, and I forced a smile. She stepped inside and gave me a kiss.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice somewhat tense. Alissa seemed oblivious, still beaming with joy.
"I had a free afternoon and thought, why not drop by my favorite guys?" She looked between Tom and me with a twinkle in her eyes. She winked at Tom, who greeted her with a feigned surprised look.
Simone stood in the hallway and warmly greeted Alissa. She turned to my mother and immediately asked, "You don't mind if I join for dinner, do you?" My mother assured her it was no problem. Meanwhile, Tom entered the hallway and asked curiously, "What are we having, anyway?"
My mother responded enthusiastically that she had prepared lasagna for us. A wave of discomfort washed over me upon hearing this dish. Memories of the other Elise, who once attempted to make lasagna for us and accidentally cut herself, immediately flashed back in my mind. I couldn't help but stare at the ground, a knot forming in my stomach. The memories of that evening were still vivid and left a bitter aftertaste.
"Come," said Alissa with a friendly smile, "let's go to the living room." Her inviting gesture made us follow her to the living room. My mother, slightly disappointed that Alissa hadn't offered to help in the kitchen, returned to her activities.
In the living room, we settled on the comfortable couch. Alissa looked around and remarked, "What a cozy place you have here, Bill." Her genuine admiration for our childhood home made me smile, although my thoughts were still overshadowed by the events of the past few days.
We tried to engage in a relaxed conversation to break the tension. Alissa started talking about her work and shared some amusing anecdotes to lighten the mood.
"I also arranged with Tom that we can have some privacy at your apartment after dinner," Alissa said with a wink, her eyes sparkling with excitement. As she said this, I tried to react as normally as possible, but inside, I felt a stab of pain. It was heartbreaking to see how enthusiastic and hopeful she was, completely unaware that I would soon break her heart.

Gordon had arrived home, and we all sat around the table to eat the lasagna. Despite the uncomfortable tension in my chest, I tried to keep up appearances and participate in the seemingly cheerful gathering. It was a cozy affair, with the aroma of the delicious dish prepared in the kitchen and the sound of laughter floating through the dining room.
Gordon seemed oblivious and joined the conversation as if nothing was amiss. My mother, though undoubtedly sensing my concerns, did her best to keep the atmosphere light. Alissa, on the other side of the table, radiated joy and enjoyed the company. She happily participated in the conversations and genuinely laughed at the jokes made.

After a warm and pleasant dinner, Alissa and I bid a heartfelt farewell to my mother and Gordon. The atmosphere at the table may have had the appearance of cheerfulness, but my inner turmoil remained palpable. Tom whispered a soft "good luck" to me, an encouraging wink that didn't alleviate the heaviness of the impending confrontation. We made our way to our apartment, and I felt the nerves tightening like a taut knot in my stomach with every step we took.
Upon reaching the hallway, we put on our coats, but a slight awkwardness hung like a veil around us. Tom's gentle encouragement provided some support, but the prospect of the upcoming conversation with Alissa weighed on my shoulders like a leaden burden.
The silence was suddenly shattered by the sharp sound of the doorbell. My curiosity was piqued, and my mind raced through possible scenarios. Had Tom perhaps arranged another appointment? Was there an unexpected guest? "I'll get it!" I called toward the living room as I hurried to the door.
The door creaked slightly as I opened it, and to my great surprise, there stood Elise, in all her unexpected glory. The sight of her figure, laden with memories and emotions, caused a moment of stillness. "Elise?" escaped my mouth, full of astonishment, as my heartbeat quickened at the unexpected turn of the evening.

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