82. The confrontation with the real Elise

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POV Bill 

Eventually, we broke the kiss, my breath ragged. Silently, I opened my eyes, expecting to gaze into Elise's eyes, but what I saw froze my heart. "Elise?" I whispered, my eyes widened in astonishment and disbelief.
Before me stood not the Elise I had just kissed, but the Elise from my own world. Her eyes, normally warm and familiar, were darker than I remembered. A deep aversion welled up within me. How could this happen? How could fate betray me so?
The room suddenly seemed filled with tense silence, only broken by the soft hum of the lights above us. Elise's gaze seemed to dance between wonder and excitement, as if she relished the intriguing turn this encounter was taking. Her lips curled slightly upward, and her eyes radiated mischievous curiosity.
My hands trembled slightly as I stared at Elise, my eyes searching for an explanation for this bizarre scene.
"Hello, Billy," Elise replied, as if nothing was amiss. "Did you miss me?" she asked with a grin that sent shivers down my spine. My stomach churned at the sight of 'my' Elise. She seemed unfazed by the situation, while I grappled with astonishment and anger.
An intense desire to turn back time and avoid this surreal encounter overwhelmed me.
I tried to organize my thoughts, control my emotions, but my head spun like a whirlwind of confusion.
My hands, initially trembling unsteadily, now clenched into fists, my nails digging deep into my palms. I tried to avert my eyes, but something in her gaze kept me captivated. An elusive force compelled me to keep looking.
"Where is she?" I hissed at the Elise before me. My voice sounded hoarse, saturated with emotions I couldn't fully comprehend. I felt betrayed, bewildered by the sudden switch between two versions of the same person.
The Elise of my world seemed to relish my confusion. She stepped closer, her dark eyes boring into mine. "That failed version of me? She's back where she belongs, in her miserable world."
The words cut through me like knives. My feelings were a chaotic mix of loss, anger, and disappointment. It was as if my own heart had been torn in two, shredded between two realities.
The anger bubbling up within me overwhelmed me like an untamable wave. I stared at the Elise of my world with wide eyes, my fists clenched with frustration. "How dare you," I roared, my voice filled with an intensity I didn't recognize in myself. "You played with my feelings, deceived me!"
But instead of apologizing or expressing remorse, she laughed disdainfully. It was a laugh that pierced through to my core, a laugh steeped in indifference. "Oh, Bill, always so dramatic," she laughed, as if my feelings were a source of amusement for her. "You think you can find happiness with that girl, but it will never happen. You belong with me."
I felt my patience tested, and the temptation to throw the truth in her face was overwhelming. "Leave me alone, Elise. You have no say in this."
Instead of staying silent, she brought herself even closer. "Do you really think you can build a life with a mere cleaning girl? She will never understand who you truly are, what you truly need." The Elise of my world laughed mockingly. "She can never give you what I can offer."
I gasped for breath; her provocations penetrated to my core. But deep down, I knew I no longer wanted to listen to the destructive voice of the Elise from my world. She was an echo from the past, a shadow preventing me from looking forward.
"You have no idea what I need," I muttered, more to myself than to her.

The door swung open with a fluid motion, abruptly interrupting the intensity between Elise and me. Tom stood in the doorway, his usual confident grin on his face.
Tom's unexpected appearance broke the suffocating atmosphere, as if he brought a breath of fresh air. We both looked up, my gaze full of disgust and hers full of arrogance.
"Sorry to interrupt," Tom announced with his typical grin, his gaze shifting between Elise and me, "but Bill, you really need to come back now. Your microphone is fixed, and we need you."
The relief I felt was palpable. I nodded briefly to Tom, my brother who, as always, had perfect timing. As I turned away from Elise, I tried to ignore the malicious comments she had just made. Tom greeted her with his usual friendliness. "Hey, Tom," she said, but her tone was more laced with arrogance than kindness. It seemed like she enjoyed the fact that she had just sparked a conflict. She then turned back to me with a malicious smile. "Did you know that your twin brother is better in bed?" I walked past her without a second glance and focused on Tom. "Thanks for letting me know, Tom. I'm coming," I said without deigning to give Elise a look. Tom raised his eyebrows briefly at her comment but remained silent as we left the room together. 

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