98. Poor Alissa

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We returned to the living room to join our guests. Alissa gave me a subtle look, questioning if everything was okay between us, and I responded with a reassuring nod.
"Bill?" Alissa asked. "Can I ask you something?" "Of course," I replied. "Andreas suggested going on a double date with Elise." My heart skipped a beat. It was like a cold shower. The idea of a double date suddenly felt like a confrontation with everything that had happened. I didn't know how to react, but I tried to stay calm. "A double date, huh?" I repeated, trying to hide the knot in my stomach. "Yes," Alissa said with a smile. "I thought it would be fun. What do you think?" Tom immediately intervened, his voice filled with frustration. "Ah no, Andreas, where is your common sense?" He looked at me with narrowed eyes, and I could feel the anger in his gaze. Alissa, clearly fed up with Tom's constant suspicion towards Elise, spoke up. "Tom, that's enough! I'm tired of all this negativity about Elise. I know Elise has made mistakes in the past, but for heaven's sake, let it go." Her tone was determined, an attempt to break the increasing tension. Tom reacted sharply, his concerns about Elise unabated. "You can't trust her," he snapped at Alissa, as if trying to warn her of something she was unaware of. I stood up, determined to intervene and break the growing tension. It was as if there was an electric charge in the air, and I felt the pressure to ease the situation. "That's enough," I said to Tom, who still had a furrowed brow. His eyes drilled into mine, filled with a mix of frustration and indignation.
Alissa, unwilling to further participate in the argument, responded calmly, "Never mind, Bill. I have to leave anyway. I have another meeting." Her voice sounded composed, but I could feel the underlying disappointment. She stood up, scraping her chair on the floor, and grabbed her bag. A quick kiss was all she gave me before heading to the door.
I followed her and apologized for Tom's behavior. Alissa looked at me with a mixture of understanding and concern. "It's okay, Bill. I'll call you later," she said.
I stood awkwardly by the door, hands in my pockets, as Alissa put on her coat. The tension was palpable in the air, and I knew clarity was urgently needed. "Alissa," I said cautiously, my voice slightly hesitant, "would it be possible to talk tomorrow?" She looked at me with a mix of confusion and mild concern. "Tomorrow might be tricky, Bill. We have a photo shoot planned, and I've also arranged to have dinner with Elise. But the day after should work." I nodded understandingly, though disappointed. "Okay, the day after then," I agreed.
The last smile on her face was an encouraging gesture. "The day after it is," she said, rising on her tiptoes to give me an extra kiss before leaving, and with that, she exited the apartment. The door clicked shut, and I remained alone in the hallway, contemplating the impending conversation.
Back in the living room, I noticed that Andreas was also about to leave. "Are you already leaving?" I asked him, and he nodded affirmatively. "Tom is really unbearable today," he admitted with a sigh. "We'll catch up some other time."

In my room, after Andreas had left, I felt the urge to call Elise. The phone in my hand vibrating, I dialed her number and brought the phone to my ear. The sound of ringing tones filled the silence of my room as I waited for a response on the other end of the line.
But then the inevitable happened: my hope faded when the call went unanswered. My heart sank a little deeper into my chest, a gnawing feeling of concern creeping in. Why wasn't she picking up? A whirlwind of thoughts began to form in my head. Was something wrong?
Perhaps she was busy, didn't hear the phone, or was in a place with no reception. Still, I couldn't shake off the uncertainty. My thoughts raced as I wondered if she even wanted to talk or if something else was going on.
In the apparent solitude of my room, time seemed to slow down as I sat there, the phone in my hand, waiting for a sign from her.
My heart skipped a beat when the ringtone of my phone filled the room. I quickly reached for the device and brought it to my ear. To my surprise and disappointment, I heard Alissa's voice on the other end. "Hello, dear," she greeted me. Her voice sounded soft, concerned, and I felt the tension in my shoulders increase.
"Has Tom calmed down a bit?" she asked, her concern seeping into each word. I could hear her sigh on the other end of the line, as if she herself was overwhelmed by the events of that afternoon. "Not really," I replied, my voice a whisper in the shadow of everything that had happened. "He's... quite frustrated." Alissa's voice sounded understanding. "I get it, Bill. He's struggling with... Elise. But you're not responsible for his behavior."
"Speaking of Elise," Alissa continued. "Have you heard from her? I've been trying to call and message her, but she just doesn't respond anymore." I felt a pang of discomfort. "Strange," I replied, my thoughts racing as I tried to come up with an explanation. "Is something happened at that gala?" she asked, her concern evident in her voice. I answered a bit too quickly, almost caught. "What do you mean?" "Did she perhaps drink too much and have a hangover today?" she asked worriedly. "Oh, yeah," I replied hastily, "yes, she had quite a bit to drink. Maybe she's sleeping off her hangover. That must be it," I confirmed.
"Okay," Alissa said with a sigh. "I'm just a bit worried. I hope she responds soon." She was silent for a moment on the other end of the line, as if considering my words. I nodded, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "And by the way, how was the meeting?" She chuckled softly. "Predictable. A lot of back and forth, but we'll figure it out. Don't worry, Bill. Focus on what's important."
The conversation continued, and somehow, Alissa managed to reassure me. But deep down, the unrest lingered, and I wondered how I could set everything right.
"I'll let you go, dear. Big kiss," she said. I bid farewell with a knot in my stomach. My thoughts were a jumble of emotions, and I felt trapped between telling the truth and keeping the lie to protect Alissa. The thought of Elise and the complications piling up haunted me as I hung up the phone.

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