25. City Trip

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Bas and I decided to explore Madrid, embarking on a day filled with anticipation and curiosity. The city was renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, and we were determined to discover everything it had to offer.
Our first stop was the Royal Palace of Madrid, a breathtaking piece of architecture. As we strolled through the lush gardens, I said to Bas, "This palace is truly impressive, don't you think? The details in the facade are astounding." Bas nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, Elise. It's hard to believe that such beautiful buildings really exist."
Entering the palace, we were struck by the grandeur of the royal chambers. Bas pointed to a ceiling adorned with gold and remarked, "Can you imagine what it must have been like to live here?" I smiled. "It must have been a life of luxury, for sure."

After the palace, we visited the Mercado de San Miguel, a bustling market full of delicious food and drinks. We sampled local delicacies, from tapas to churros with chocolate, and immersed ourselves in the lively atmosphere of the market. "What's your favorite dish so far?" Bas asked as we sat at a table with our food. "That's a tough choice," I laughed. "But I think the churros with chocolate are particularly special." Bas nodded in agreement and took another bite of his tapas. "The food here is truly amazing," he said.
"Elise, I've always wondered what it's like to be with the guys from Tokio Hotel," Bas cautiously began. "They seem... quite unique, to say the least." I chuckled at his remark. "Yes, 'unique' is an understatement," I replied, grinning. "But honestly, they are amazing people. Very creative and passionate about their music, and they have a great sense of humor. It's always an adventure being on tour with them."
Bas nodded in understanding. "And what's it like being Bill's girlfriend?" he asked curiously. I paused for a moment, considering how to best answer the question since I wasn't actually Bill's girlfriend. I laughed gently. "It can be intense, for sure," I admitted. "But Bill and I have a strong bond. We support each other through thick and thin, and that makes it all worthwhile. Of course, there are moments of uncertainty, but we talk about it and always try to be honest with each other."
Bas seemed relieved by my openness. "That sounds like a healthy relationship," he said. "I really admire both of you."

After the market, we visited the famous Prado Museum, immersing ourselves in the world of art and history. We admired masterpieces by artists such as Goya, Velázquez, and El Greco, discussing the meaning and beauty of the paintings. "This is truly one of the highlights of our trip," Bas commented as we stood before a painting by Goya. "The art here is so impressive."
Our next stop was Retiro Park, an oasis of greenery and tranquility in the heart of the city. We strolled along tree-lined avenues, admired the crystal-clear water of the lake, and relaxed in the shade of a centuries-old tree. "This is the perfect place to unwind," I said as we sat on a bench, watching the ducks on the lake. Bas nodded and leaned back. "It's lovely to get away from the hustle of the tour."
I always had my camera ready, capturing every detail. Whether it was the colorful buildings in the old town, the lively street musicians in Plaza Mayor, or simply Bas posing with his characteristic smile, I wanted to capture every moment. My camera clicked incessantly, and I never tired of the stunning architecture, charming squares, and bustling streets of Madrid. It was as if I wanted to store the beauty of this city in my heart through the lens of my camera.
I often captured Bas in front of the camera, and he clearly enjoyed it. We took funny selfies, posed next to statues, and photographed each other's smiling faces. It was a day filled with happy memories, and my camera was my faithful companion in capturing them all.

By the afternoon, our stomachs began to growl, and we decided to try a typical Spanish restaurant. We ordered paella, a traditional dish with rice, seafood, and herbs, and it tasted delightful. "The paella here is truly amazing," Bas remarked as we enjoyed our meal. "I completely agree," I said. "It's one of my favorite Spanish dishes."
As we savored the delicious paella in the Spanish restaurant, Bas initiated a conversation. "You know, Elise, I have to admit that I always thought you were a bit of a strict bitch." I laughed as I took a bite of the flavorful paella. "I hear that often," I said. "But I'm glad you're seeing a different side of me now." Bas nodded and took a sip of his wine. "It's quite enjoyable to be out with you," he admitted. "I didn't expect us to get along so well."
After the meal, we visited Puerta del Sol, the bustling center of Madrid, where we saw the famous Tio Pepe advertisement and the clock of Casa de Correos. We mingled with the crowd and enjoyed the energy of the city. "What a vibrant place," Bas said as we looked at the crowd. "I love the atmosphere here," I replied. "It feels like the city never sleeps."
As I walked with Bas through the streets of Madrid, enjoying his company, I couldn't help but think about the Elise of this world. Bas had told me that he thought I was a strict bitch, and I wondered how Elise had behaved towards him. Had she perhaps ignored or snapped at him? It seemed that Bas didn't like her very much, and I could understand why. Bas was a great person to be around, and it seemed like he enjoyed our time together. Maybe the other Elise was just different from me, I thought. Perhaps she was less open or had different priorities. Either way, I felt fortunate to have this opportunity to get to know Bas better and explore Madrid with him.
After a day of adventures in Madrid, Bas and I decided to return to our hotel. The sun was slowly setting, and the streets of the city were illuminated by the warm glow of the streetlights. It was an enchanting sight, but we were both tired from walking around and needed some rest.

We walked back to the hotel together, savoring the atmosphere of the city. We talked about the highlights of the day, the funny moments, and the delicious paella we had eaten. Bas noted how much he enjoyed our time together and that he had to revise his opinion of me. He had always seen Elise as a strict person, but now that he had gotten to know me better, he actually found me quite pleasant.
I smiled and thanked him for his honesty. I, too, had enjoyed our day and found Bas to be a great companion to explore the city with. It was nice to know that we could have so much fun together, even if we didn't know each other that well at first.

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